I love the feeling of being home! I truly enjoy being surrounded by the people I love and the things that make me happy. I am passionate about finding joy in my home---which for me has a double meaning. My home is where I find comfort and discover who I am by using my talents and abilities.
I'm an avid thrift store shopper and collector. I love to create, re-purpose, design, re-invent and build all sorts of things.
I am passionate about helping others find the joy in their homes that I do in mine. And I believe that it doesn't take a lot of cash to do it.
"The more you trust and rely upon the Spirit, the greater your capacity to create." ---Dieter F. Uchtdorf
You're welcome to copy my ideas.
If one of my ideas has inspired you, I'd love for you to leave me a note so I can enjoy seeing your project.
But please don't copy my photos without first asking my permission.
Okay, okay, I give in! Several of you have given me those awards that require the recipient to tell 6 or 7 things about themself. I thought a post just about me would be a veerrrry boring post, but, I don't want to appear rude to my friends who have so kindly given me the awards. So I'm going to share a few facts about me.
*I love quarters! It's strange, I know, but quarters actually make me giddy. Maybe it goes back to the days when I would place my shiny quarter in a machine and with a few turns the knob out would plop a small surprise. As a grownup I like to spend my shiny quarters turning the machine's knob to receive a handful of yummy pastel mints.*I am very uncomfortable being the center of attention. Perhaps that's why I struggle with posting blog awards.
*I have only one sibling. I was born three days before my brother's tenth birthday. After waiting ten years for their second child, my parents, thinking they would have another son, were happy to have a daughter. That's why I was named Joy.
*If you gave me $50 to spend, I would likely spend it on as many things as possible. And I would probably spend the money at the thrift store, on white dishes or pottery. My husband is just the opposite. He would spend his $50 on only one item at the regular store.*I'm a piler! I have a pile in just about every room. I like to pile magazines, junk mail, and the worst pile of all, things "I'll get around to." So now you know, when you see a pretty picture like this:There is probably a pile like this (an example of the "I'll get around to" pile) close by:*This last one is an answer for all of you who have asked. I have an area in my basement where I store all my stuff. (Nooo, I won't share a picture of it.) We refer to it as "the unfinished room," or my boys call it "the junk room." My husband lovingly refers to it as "the inventory room." If we ever decide to finish it into a second family room, I'll probably have to build a big ol' shed out in the backyard to store my home's inventory.
Now you know a few things about me. I promise to have a more interesting post tomorrow.
Joy, You are absolutely NOT boring! I always think the same thing when I get an award...why do people want to know about me?....but, it is those little things that make us "know" each other just a bit better. I am so glad to see a junk pile from you!!! I am sure glad I am not the only one!
Joy! This was such a great post! Its great to be able to get to know the person behind all of that fantastic craftyness. Plus it makes us all feel normal. I'll stop imagining your perfectly inventoried kitchen and your perfectly inventoried storage space and realize that my piles are fine and my messy attic will survive being messy. Ha! Ha!
Love it! I am so excited to be getting a 'barn' to put my "inventory" in I can hardl stand it.
I have the "paperwork pile" which makes me the MOST crazy. I always love when wonderful bloggers admit they are 'flawed and human'. It makes us all fees so much more like real friends!
I am so glad to see that picture of your I'll get to it stuff- I was beginning to think your house was always picture perfect! I think your post was fun and not boring at all!
This is a great post Joy - thanks for sharing! How funny - I would never have dreamed you were a piler - I have a few of those myself! I long for an 'inventory room', but like so many, we have no basement. My children love quarters right now since we save every last one for Sept/Oct/Nov and as soon as the Salvation Army Christmas kettles being ringing their bells we stop at every one and put in our quarters! It would be easier to just dump them all in one kettle, but this is our fun little way of thinking of others.
This was NOT boring--I enjoyed reading about you. I think most of us have a pile of things but with all your CREATIVE TALENT I'm surprised you can have only a "junk room". You need an entire basement for all you do!!
Hi Joy! Not only do we like the same decorating objects/colors but our personalities are similar!lol I laugh at myself every time I start to pile! I stack mags, papers, clothes; makes me think I'm organized!lol and I too try to get as much as I can out of $50 my husband would do as yours does! White pottery is my newest obsession! Nice to learn more about you - Have a great day - Jeannette
Love your blog, and especially love your decor! I've visited several times in the past week, but failed to comment (bad me!). I've "stolen" some of your ideas....
On the other hand, I think this post was quite interesting! I love learning about people! I love the fact that you have an "inventory room". Cute name ;)
Okay, you know what I REALLY want?? A picture of you! I would love to see the face behind all of these amazing projects, ideas, and arrangements. You could even post pictures of other women and let us guess which one is you. :) I love your piles and your quarter obsession too and I loved this post~not boring in the least bit. Have a good day, Melissa
This WAS an interesting post! It made you human to me! (as opposed to superhero - I was wondering what powers you had that always made your spaces look impeccably sparkly and clean. I love knowing you are a fellow piler.
Enjoyed this post and learning more about you! I, also, like my quarters - there is something about them that make me feel rich (must be from childhood). My inlaws always called their basement room "the dirty room". Unfortunately I don't have a storage room. Sally
I refer to myself as a Pilot housekeeper,you know pile it here pile it there LOL It's truly refreshing to see what is my reality.Glad to see you can keep it real.I'd spend my stash at the thrifts also.Thanks for sharing,and no you are not boring at all.
Oh Joy - you are so funny! I love that your parents named you Joy. I can't picture a better name for you since you are so cheerful and good humored in your posts! Thanks for sharing more of you with us :)
I am suppose to do that tag as well...and feel like I have nothing exciting to say either. I am soooo glad you showed a "pile"....I don't feel so alone...I have a few myself. We def. have somethings in common..AND I spy that sparkly bat that says..boo....yep have it too. cherry
Oooooh, I am a piler too! I try to limit my piles to one or two places in the house at at time, otherwise...
Two things, first, do you ever spraypaint your dishes white, or just find them all white already? And second, I really like those leaf balls, they will be on my to-do list!
The Mister calls me a pilot. I pile it here I pile it there...And don't touch those piles! I know where everything is, just ask me. I am seriously in need of a little table in my entry way. It can only be 12 inches wide. I'm thinking I might try to make one. You're an inspiration as usual.
I liked you before, but now that you showed me your 'I'll get around to it" pile, I love you!!
Seriously, I was thinking that you couldn't really be real, but now that you showed you are, (that pile is proof!) I think I will enjoy your blog even more. (knowing that you are human too lol!)
So much fun to learn more about you! What a special way you received your name! I also have a pile of stuff. One corner of my kitchen counter is a perpetual pile. Oh, well, at least I know I'm not alone LOL!! hehe :)
I agree with Laura. It was nice to see an "I'll get around to it pile" picture. I don't feel so bad about my whole "I'll get around to it" ROOM anymore. Ha! I loved reading about you! I am nosy at heart so I love learning new things about people. Thanks for sharing!
Joy...these were very joyful things to know about you. I think I'm a piler too. Thank you for giving this characteristic a name! Now I don't feel so bad about myself...LOL!
I am a piler too. I think the worst are the coupon piles (to be clipped and to be organized) and the never-ending pile of magazines/catalogs to read on the bedside table.
I have a weird love of quarters too! I love to count change, isn't that strange?
...and I'm a piler. Or, as my mother used to call it, a 'mountain builder'... I stack things up that shouldn't be stacked on one another, and make very unsteady, tall peaks. Every so often there is a big crash in my cupboards and my 'mountains' have had an avalanche... :)
See, it's nice reading about you, not boring at all! It makes us feel like we are getting to know each other better. Thanks for sharing!
I love that you have an "inventory room." I would love one, but we don't have basements in Texas due to the soil composition. Meh.
Whew! Thank goodness for that confession. I have been feeling like I am the only one with piles of "stuff" and an "Inventory Room".
Thank you for sharing with us:)
I really enjoyed reading a little about you.
This was a great post! Thanks for sharing. It's nice to see that "get around to it" pile under the pretties. Keeping it real is a good thing for me.
Ha! I'm also a piler. And my husband would also buy one piece "brand new" instead of "junk" as he so lovingly puts it. *roll eyes*
I just organized all my piles in the kitchen Sunday :)
You are absolutely NOT boring! I always think the same thing when I get an award...why do people want to know about me?....but, it is those little things that make us "know" each other just a bit better. I am so glad to see a junk pile from you!!! I am sure glad I am not the only one!
Joy! This was such a great post! Its great to be able to get to know the person behind all of that fantastic craftyness. Plus it makes us all feel normal. I'll stop imagining your perfectly inventoried kitchen and your perfectly inventoried storage space and realize that my piles are fine and my messy attic will survive being messy. Ha! Ha!
Thanks for sharing!! I love getting to know my new friends! Have a blessed day!
Thanks for sharing! I love getting to know the blogger behind all the home decor and how-to posts.
Love it! I am so excited to be getting a 'barn' to put my "inventory" in I can hardl stand it.
I have the "paperwork pile" which makes me the MOST crazy. I always love when wonderful bloggers admit they are 'flawed and human'. It makes us all fees so much more like real friends!
I am so glad to see that picture of your I'll get to it stuff- I was beginning to think your house was always picture perfect! I think your post was fun and not boring at all!
Laura :)
Thanks for sharing...the inventory room made me laugh, that is what my 12 year old son calls my storage room!
This is a great post Joy - thanks for sharing! How funny - I would never have dreamed you were a piler - I have a few of those myself! I long for an 'inventory room', but like so many, we have no basement.
My children love quarters right now since we save every last one for Sept/Oct/Nov and as soon as the Salvation Army Christmas kettles being ringing their bells we stop at every one and put in our quarters! It would be easier to just dump them all in one kettle, but this is our fun little way of thinking of others.
This was NOT boring--I enjoyed reading about you. I think most of us have a pile of things but with all your CREATIVE TALENT I'm surprised you can have only a "junk room". You need an entire basement for all you do!!
Hi Joy! Not only do we like the same decorating objects/colors but our personalities are similar!lol I laugh at myself every time I start to pile! I stack mags, papers, clothes; makes me think I'm organized!lol and I too try to get as much as I can out of $50 my husband would do as yours does! White pottery is my newest obsession! Nice to learn more about you - Have a great day - Jeannette
I am a piler too..lol.
What fun to read about you!!! I love all the piles....I guess you will just need to paint some more shelves:)!
Quarters????How fun!
-Sandy toes
Love your blog, and especially love your decor! I've visited several times in the past week, but failed to comment (bad me!). I've "stolen" some of your ideas....
On the other hand, I think this post was quite interesting! I love learning about people! I love the fact that you have an "inventory room". Cute name ;)
Thanks for sharing!!!!
That 72 hour kit is still there? Well at least you know where it will be in an emergency... ha ha
Not boring! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself.
UH OH are we cloned -- I gotta have my "STUFF " around me - lol
Kathy - Ga -- Oh love that table idea
It is so fun to learn more about you! I love reading your blog and all your great tips and pictures!
Thanks for sharing! I wondered where you put all your stuff! Now I know..haha :)
So Joy is still perfect...she just likes to pile stuff and hide it from all of us...I do too:)
Okay, you know what I REALLY want?? A picture of you! I would love to see the face behind all of these amazing projects, ideas, and arrangements. You could even post pictures of other women and let us guess which one is you. :) I love your piles and your quarter obsession too and I loved this post~not boring in the least bit.
Have a good day,
Thanks for sharing your random facts! I enjoyed reading them! I appreciate the pile picture...I, too, have this problem!
I was wondering where you kept all the extra stuff! I think I need one of those too!
But that WAS interesting, Joy! Thank you for doing it!
This WAS an interesting post! It made you human to me! (as opposed to superhero - I was wondering what powers you had that always made your spaces look impeccably sparkly and clean. I love knowing you are a fellow piler.
I'm glad that you shared with us! And I'm also glad that I'm not the only one with a "I'll get around to" pile! lol
Its so nice to know a little more about you!
Enjoyed this post and learning more about you! I, also, like my quarters - there is something about them that make me feel rich (must be from childhood). My inlaws always called their basement room "the dirty room". Unfortunately I don't have a storage room. Sally
Hi Joy,
This post was not boring at all! In fact I really enjoy learning more about other bloggers!
I refer to myself as a Pilot housekeeper,you know pile it here pile it there LOL It's truly refreshing to see what is my reality.Glad to see you can keep it real.I'd spend my stash at the thrifts also.Thanks for sharing,and no you are not boring at all.
Thanks for sharing, especially the pile picture. It helps the rest of us to feel better Ü!
Oh Joy - you are so funny! I love that your parents named you Joy. I can't picture a better name for you since you are so cheerful and good humored in your posts! Thanks for sharing more of you with us :)
That's a great list! I'm right there with ya on spending $50 in mucho ways! This WAS an interesting blog!
I know about those little "I'm gonna get to it piles" too. I have a few of those right now and I promise I am gonna get to them tonight. Jackie
Not boring at all Joy it's nice to know something about the person behind the blog!
I am suppose to do that tag as well...and feel like I have nothing exciting to say either. I am soooo glad you showed a "pile"....I don't feel so alone...I have a few myself. We def. have somethings in common..AND I spy that sparkly bat that says..boo....yep have it too. cherry
Great post! Love the information you shared. Joy does seem to be a very appropriate name for you.
Oooooh, I am a piler too! I try to limit my piles to one or two places in the house at at time, otherwise...
Two things, first, do you ever spraypaint your dishes white, or just find them all white already? And second, I really like those leaf balls, they will be on my to-do list!
The Mister calls me a pilot. I pile it here I pile it there...And don't touch those piles! I know where everything is, just ask me. I am seriously in need of a little table in my entry way. It can only be 12 inches wide. I'm thinking I might try to make one. You're an inspiration as usual.
I liked you before, but now that you showed me your 'I'll get around to it" pile, I love you!!
Seriously, I was thinking that you couldn't really be real, but now that you showed you are, (that pile is proof!) I think I will enjoy your blog even more. (knowing that you are human too lol!)
oh.. how fun! loved reading about you!
Oh, I'm so glad you showed your stacks- I'm a stacker too! I feel empowered to continue on in my pursuit of a pretty home- thanks!
As I've said before these are always my favorite posts. Also, nice Halloween decorations. I've never been home to see them. Hopefully someday...
I love that you shared with us about you. You are not boring at all. I am like you with $50. I have to get as much as I can with it.
Oh it's so nice to see that you have a pile!!!! :)
We have an "inventory room" too but I need to get it into shape before my hubs kicks it all to the curb!
So much fun to learn more about you! What a special way you received your name! I also have a pile of stuff. One corner of my kitchen counter is a perpetual pile. Oh, well, at least I know I'm not alone LOL!! hehe :)
I agree with Laura. It was nice to see an "I'll get around to it pile" picture. I don't feel so bad about my whole "I'll get around to it" ROOM anymore. Ha! I loved reading about you! I am nosy at heart so I love learning new things about people. Thanks for sharing!
Joy...these were very joyful things to know about you. I think I'm a piler too. Thank you for giving this characteristic a name! Now I don't feel so bad about myself...LOL!
Thanks so much for doing this.
I learned alot about you and hope to learn even more about you in the near future. :)
You and my husband would get along just fab - the junk pile. Both of you have that in common.
Thanks again. xo
I am a piler too. I think the worst are the coupon piles (to be clipped and to be organized) and the never-ending pile of magazines/catalogs to read on the bedside table.
Thanks for sharing!
On the money thing we are the same. That is why it drives my hubby so crazy!
I have a weird love of quarters too! I love to count change, isn't that strange?
...and I'm a piler. Or, as my mother used to call it, a 'mountain builder'... I stack things up that shouldn't be stacked on one another, and make very unsteady, tall peaks. Every so often there is a big crash in my cupboards and my 'mountains' have had an avalanche... :)
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