Do you remember a while back, when I tried using
other paint colors besides satin black?
Do you remember this homeless tin shelf
that started out a deep red?
And then became a lovely tan?
Well, I changed my mind.
other paint colors besides satin black?
Do you remember this homeless tin shelf
that started out a deep red?

Great choice of color! I like this one the best and coloring the fleur de lis details makes all the difference. :)
Yep I think it made the right cute!
Oh yeah definitely have it goin' on!!! Looks perfect above that stylish lady!!!
It all looks great...really pops on that red wall!
Oh good...I'm not the only one who changes her mind!;)
Oh that is PERFECT!!!!
I like the tan but the white looks fabulous against the red wall. Would you explain to my hubby that it is a woman's perogative to change her mind - he doesn't get it. :-)
you did a wonderful job and I love it..don't you love painting..its amazing how it can totally change the look..
I think it looks great too, I think the black effect draws perfectly on the hardware of the table... they are a match made in you back yard! hehe
What a difference....this grouping looks GREAT!!
What an elegant look, love the whole arrangement! You must stay busy 24/7 creating such wonderful stuff! You inspire me to get busy doing more!
I LOVE that shelf-where can I buy one-I love, love, love tin! It is so pretty in white!
It looks like it was made to be this color and to be placed exactly where it is. Wonderful!! Love how you accented it.
My favorite part about this picture is the little pumpkin on the little black chair. :) I am still thinking about what I can do with you to make you famous. Hope you're still thinking about it too!
Now that is just a little piece of perfection! You know I'm eye balling that little chair on that beautiful shelf! Ha! Ha!
I want one of those. It looks great in it's new space.
oh! i love it! the fleud de lis look super cute all standing out! you did a great job!
It's a perfect companion to the beautiful desk!
I LOVE the new color!
That's the joy of paint! You can change it every week if you want to! ;)
I think it looks darling with your newly rehabbed desk.
I love that shelf, and it looks so great now! I also love those empty white frames you have placed on it. Very cute!
oh it looks so good with your cute desk and against that red wall.
great job with that (and all the other ones). i love where you placed it, too!
I think the white/black is the best of all, love how you brought out the Fleur de Lis! :)
Looks good. Now I wonder how long it will actually stay that color....
Hi Joy! Just Perfect! Woman changing their minds is what makes the world go round!lol Sincerely, Jeannette
Love it! I love this whole arrangement! Especially that little chair on the shelf. :)
I love it too, but I am it too high on the wall or is it just right? Sometimes it's hard to know the scale from a photo. I love the way you picked out the fleur de lis detail!
Nice work. That fits perfectly with the desk. Love what you do!
Wow! That looks fantastic! Great job, Joy. I have a desperate and imminent painting problem that I am begging for advice with on my blog! You are the paintingist gal I know, so if you have a moment and can pop over for a thrice to share your great wisdom, I would surely be grateful!
WooHoo. This looks amazing! Are we all invited to come over and see the whole room? This looks great Joy, it really looks tied in with the other things in the room. It will also look great when you decorate it for the holidays! Yippeeee!
Love your choice of color. It goes perfectly over that buffet...
It looks so good next tp your "new" table and against those great colored walls!
Cute! I am a detail kind of girl-thats what i keep telling my husband, look at her ugly "whole" picture-I am much cuter-you just have to pay attention to the details! (i hope that came out the way i want it too and not the other way)
wow that really finishes off the space! Looks great!
I love the transformation!
You know what? That is a perfect fit! Love it!
I also love your blog so much that I had to tag you (I am sure you're thinking, now what??)... pretty please, when you get the chance, visit my blog!
Thanks ever so much.
The color is great & painting the little fleur de lis was perfect! :)
Love how you painted the fleur de lis!
It looks great and I love the desk make over!
I love it
It's right up my street!
Thumbs up!! I love the color choice and location!
Your shelf looks great over your new desk. Love it. Mimi
Wow! You are one talented chic! It is all gorgeous.
and this became the pampered corner of the house..
looks perfect..=)
we can never know which will be better.. if we don't give chances ..
and change our minds about details do we ??..
love from istanbul..xffzqzyf
SO, SO BEAUTIFUL!! Great job!
Michelle :)
That looks just wonderful!!! I love it on the red wall! Spectacular!
-Sandy Toes
I love it....My new home (closing in two weeks and four days) has a fireplace, but not mantle yet, so I am keeping my eyes peeled. I hope I can find something as pretty as that shelf.
You rock!
Oh my goodness...I loved it before, but now....Wow.....perfect.
It looks perfect in its new home!! Sally
I love the end product and love the place where you put it. Looks great and like you paid a lot for it! Connie
omG! only you can make something better each time you touch it!!! That is sooo much better than the way it was before. love it!
A great case of good, better and best! Love what you ended up with! :)
I definatly like the final project best! At least until you change it again
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