Hey blogland, this is Joys daughter! I hacked into my moms account because I wanted to tell ya'll what an amazing mom I have. I am a newlywed who lives about 2,000 miles away from my parents in a TINY apartment. Growing up in Joys home was wonderful because she always made every holiday special. It was hard for me to move so far away.
But my sweet mom knew how important the holidays were to me and last week I received TWO HUGE boxes in the mail from her. Guess what they were???
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS just for me and my husband! I was so excited!
I wanted to share with you some of the things she sent me:
{A Christmas tree. Yes. She sent me a Christmas tree, and ALL of the ornaments with it. Can you guess where she bought this tree??? The thrift store. It was $6, and it fits perfectly in my home. The ornaments fit my sparkly style exactly. I love the silver and green Christmas theme I have in my little home.}

{She even sent me Christmas hand towels}

{I love all the star ornaments she sent}

{And even a little tree for my kitchen}

You do have one sweet mom! That is the neatest thing that she sent you all that stuff!
How sweet is this! I think she will forgive ya for cutting in here...lol Good job mom! =o)
Awww, that is so sweet! What an AMAZING Momma!!
So very sweet!!! Mom's are so special, aren't they?
moms know what makes the season bright! many blessings to all your family!
Hack again! This was so fun to see and to read and feel your enthusiasm. Your mother is a wonder.
Awesome! What a very sweet mom you have!
Your mom is the best and we all love her in blog-land too!! She sent you some FABULOUS things to help you along in your decorating. Very CUTE and pretty!!!
Now that is the best post I could read today! How fun is that..what a great mom and thoughful daughter! Wow!
-sandy toes
So cool, I see you have your mom's decorating flair! Have a great Christmas.
So do you want to my house and teach me how to raise my Daughter so that when she grows up she will be as grateful as your amazing daughter?
Nothing like a well thought out care package. Mail is good GIFTS in the mail EVEN better!
Have a blessed Christmas in your new home
What a sweet post...nothing can compare to a great mom!
She sent you some good stuff and it looks beautiful too!
How sweet! Joy you are one great momma that has one sweet daughter. everything looked wonderful
Awwwwwwwwww....how lovely and sweet!! Thanks for sharing this with us.
This shows post shows what it means to be able to give to someone. I know that your mother was thrilled to be able to give something to you but YOU have given her something by telling others what a great mom you have. By the way....she gives to us each day by sharing her wonderful ideas. Merry Christmas!!
That is the sweetest thank you to your mom!!! YOUR mom rocks-as you well know!
(I think your decorating might be a 'chip off the block'...great job setting it up!)
You have a very sweet and giving mom, and even sweeter, she raised a daughter who KNOWS it!
Joy, no wonder you haven't been posting as much~you've been sending out amazing packages! What a great mom...
What wonderful gifts!
Can I adopt her??
awww no mom could ever get mad at something so sweet as this! those are beautiful decorations.
Now that is a sweet mom! I think your mom is great and enjoy reading her blog.
That is the sweetest! Moms ARE the best!
wow! what a thoughtful mom & great daughter!!
not all daughters are so appreciative- lucky on both accounts :)
I love that you hacked into your mom's account...how sweet! Thanks for sharing that with us. I knew your mom was an amazing woman and it is no surprise that she is an awesome Mom too! Everything looks lovely. You definitely inherited your mom's decorating gene.
Merry Christmas ~ Amanda
That is so incredibly nice. What an awesome mom!!!
So sweet! I think this is fabulous and you did an awesome job decorating everything. Joy is fabulous and I think you are too for hacking in to her account. Ha! What a great way to thank her for spoiling you a little. Love it!
Wow! I can't believe she shipped a Christmas tree 2,00 miles! Crazy! What a great mom! Love all the decorations!
such a sweet post!
What an awesome mom!! My dd just bought a new house and I just mainly gave her some of my old Christmas stuff, and all of her ornaments she got over the years.....shhh, I'll have to make sure she doesn't see your post of what YOUR mom sent you! LOL
It's all beautiful!
This so so so sweet! My mom used to do similar things when I was in college and a newly wed...not too long ago! My mom passed away 3 years ago at the age of 49 and I treasure what the ways she blessed my life! You are a lucky woman!
Good thing my kids can't read yet because I don't think I can compete with this, lol! Joy- you're such a great mom! Not just because you sent Christmas decorations but because you've raised such a lovely daughter.
Happy Holidays!
What a sweet Mom you have. That is such a nice story.
You ROCK Joy!!!
Merry December~ Les
wow what a great mom to send you all that goodness to your home! and I bet it made it all that much more special knowing it came from mom...great job in decorating it too..enjoy:)
Wow that was such a wonderful thing your mom did for you...everything is so pretty! and what a wonderful daughter you are for thanking her so sweetly and sharing it with us!!!
Fantastic! That is too sweet.
Awww, that is sooooo sweet! And the decorations are gorgeous!
Thanks for hacking into momma's account and sharing with us!
Awww! How sweet! Everything looks so great!
Yeah, I would say she is pretty awesome!!
What a sweet mom, you are very lucky!
What a great idea to do for a newlywed child. Great idea mom. Cute of your daughter to hack in and right something so sweet about you. Love that.
You're SO lucky to have such a mom!! She's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Those decorations are gorgeous. Have a happy holiday :)
You are so very lucky. The decorations are beautiful. Your Mom's love surely shows through with all the "trouble" she went to just so you would have a great Christmas. Enjoy!
Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! LOl You have a very talented mom!
You have everything your mom sent so artfully arranged!
Now...why don't you start a blog so we can all copy you?
Moms are special - no doubt about it! My kids used to hate that I apparently had eyes in the back of my head, but now they appreciate that I can see just what they need at certain times. Sally
Omigosh......how sweet....I love everything..you are one lucky girl! cherry
That is so sweet. Mommas know how to give love even across the miles! Your decorations look great!
Hi Joy, I just found your blog today. I'll be back.
This is the sweetest post! What a great Christmas memory for both of you!
I love it! Both mom and daughter are amazing!
Daughters are so precious and thoughtful! I am so glad my daughter lives close although I miss our sons who do live 2300 hundred miles away.
Joy, what an incredible mom you are besides decorator.
You do have an awesome Mom and your home looks ready for Christmas.
oh my goodness, she's a special lady, I can't imagine how wonderful a present like that was, just what the season is all about...
What a sweet mom you have! You did good Joy!!
What an AMAZING mom!
How thoughtful, kind, and sweet of her/you! (ha!)
I think that would be one of the best gifts yet...
and such style! (i love it all!)
You are so lucky,,it's like something my mom would have done. I lost my mom over 6 years ago and believe me.. I still miss her terribly. Kudos to you for cheering for mom. Sounds like she has done a fantabulous job raising her children..
As a mom, and as a daughter, I just have to say that you rock Joy! What a sweet and meaningful gesture for a first married Christmas.
That was the sweetest thing! When my kids hi jack my blog its normally to rat me out on something. :)
How sweet and what a wonderful Christmas surprise. However, it sounds like you both are VERY cool and giving so I shouldn't be surprised you always do wonderful things for each other!
You're mom is wonderful and so talented!
So sweet of your mom to do this....and I KNOW she enjoyed every minute of collecting all those goodies for her sweet daughter. I know it must be so hard to be so far away....but now your sweet mom is right there with you!
Aww you have the best mom! I used to live far away from my mom too. I enjoyed decorating my own home, but missed my parents terribly! Your post brought tears to my eyes. I know how great it is to get a package from home. Merry Christmas!
That is the most wonderful gift ever! I have to write that in my journal to do that for my daughters when they leave home (a very long time from now) but I so don't want to forget to do that!!! It is all so beautiful!! and more so with the story behind it all.
Merry Christmas,
This made me tear up! I think I am gonna call my mom now. Last year when I was broke and 39 weeks pregnant around this time she brought over a tree complete with ornaments for our home since we couldnt afford one.
Such a sweet post!
Now I'm crying!! What a sweet thing to do. When our little girls are small, we never think they will grow up. Then all of a sudden they are teenagers and Mom is supposed to be in the background ...way in the background. All of a sudden they are adults and love to have you around, call with questions (how do you make pecan pie mom) and just generally are thrilled to see you. Bless you daughters..you make us laugh and cry and we wouldn't have it anyother way
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