Thursday, August 13, 2009


Rhoda from Southern Hospitality emailed me to tell me that another "blog" has been using my posts. They are posting each post in it's entirety. I am not the only blogger that is having their posts hi-jacked.
At first I wanted to believe that it may be someone's inspiration blog. But every one of my posts have been posted there which leads me to believe that it's not just for inspiration. I have left several comments on this "blog" asking them to contact me but I have not heard a word. Needless to say, I feel frustrated and violated. I notified one of the other bloggers whose work I recognize. We are trying to stop this blatant attempt at stealing our work. It is simply not ethical! We are both posting warnings. Interestingly enough, her warning post has even been stolen and put on this "blog."
We are working to correct whatever it is that is going on, but in the meantime, as my fellow blogger said we "want to warn fellow bloggers to make sure that you follow up on blogs that are linking to you, and where your traffic is coming from. And if you happen upon a post that looks suspiciously familiar, please let that blogger know. We need to watch out for one another! We pour our hearts into our blogs, and for heavens sake, we need to give credit where credit is due."

In an effort to stop this blog theft, I'm signing this post and linking to my blog.
JOY at
Joys of Home


Tiffany said...

Wow, this is the second post I've read today regarding this issue. It seems to be happening more and more. I'm very sorry it's happened to you. I guess I'd better see who's linking to me.

Caroline said...

That is horrible, it takes a lot of time and effort to put together a blog. No one should be allowed to take others material and call it their own.

Sarah said...

What a shame! I hope you can retrieve your intellectual property from this sneaky blog.

Reid said...

What a shame....I haven't seen or heard of it (yet) but that makes me sad.

Lewaina@cliffsideranch said...

Inconceivable to me that this is happening. I don't get it or understand it. Sorry that you are going through this mess. What's the deal with some people? I enjoy your posts and hope you can get stop this theft from continuing on. How lame. :-( ♥

Darlene said...

That is so awful! I too saw another blogger that I love to read where it is happening. It is just ridiculous to "steal" posts!!!!!

I am so naive with the do you know if someone is linking to you? Under each of my posts there is a link to this post or something of that sort. Would it show there?

Joanna said...

I have had this same thing happen. It wasn't my entire blog but the more personal posts in my blog..not the ones about decorating and what not. I got an email from a blogger friend that gave me the heads up about it and the link...

I too left comments, and even searched for an email. Of course I found nothing. I was going to even try contacting the host (like Blogger is to us) but I couldn't even find that! It was horrible...I don't know if it even stopped, I lost the link and so I have not been back to see.

Anonymous said...

Another theft? I saw this same thing on another blog today.

I encourage you to go to and register your blog. It's free and will assign a copyright code to every post. (I found this via one of the photography blogs I follow).

So sorry this happened to you!

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

I just read another blog who has the same thing going on--strange and horrible!

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I'm sure you do feel violated; who wouldn't? Blogs are so very personal. Shame on the person(s) who do things like this!

I have been inspired by many of your creations and would never have gotten the gumption to begin to thrift, craft, etc if it weren't for ladies like you. It galls me that people would steal your ideas, words and thoughts.


Maggie Muggins said...

I've heard about this from other people. I'm surprised it's all of your blog in it's entirety though. This is the reason all my personal/family stuff is on a private blog. I would highly recommend researching how to protect your blog from here. Here's one site that has some good advice:
I've also started putting a watermark on most of my pictures. (This is where you see the photographers name, company name, or blog address on the photo.) That will not protect your content, but will hopefully stop them from using your photos.

Jo said...

This is the second post in a day that I've read with this problem. There is nothing really to steal from my blog, but it is concerning.


Heather - said...

There are lots of blogs out there that do that - they are like spam blogs, I think. It happens to me, too. So, did they post the theft warning post??

Amy J said...

That's just terrible. Sorry to hear you are having to deal with this. It's sad that there are so many dishonest people in the world trying to get somewhere off of other's hard work!

adsgram said...

I have no blog, so this is not anything that really affects me adversely, but what I don't understand is why?? Aren't your blogs supposed to be about YOU and YOURS? Why 'steal' from others? Sorry for you gals this has affected, though, and I hope it gets settled soon!


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Good for you, Joy! I left another comment at that blog & I'm sure it was deleted too, I'll have to go back & look. What a lot of nerve for someone to set up a blog that just copies other blogs. Just a ridiculous thing to do.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Now I see that Wendy, at the Shabby Nest is also having her posts copied & her "theft" post is over there today. Yours will probably be over there tomorrow. There is also someone named Linda who got stolen from on the post below that one. I'd sure love to get ahold of this person!!

{krista} said...

How terrible! People will stoop at nothing these days. I suggest you start putting watermarks on all your photos! I hope it stops!

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. said...

That stinks! Sorry :(

Dawn said...

And why would someone do this??? Are they making money from it?


Shell in your Pocket said...

There is only one Joy Of just do what you do best!!!

sandy toe

Alyson Sword said...

Hey girls - I wanted to let you know about a website called copyscape (

You must input the specific website (such as and the website will search the internet for identical content.

Just because I was curious, I searched the above link and found three bloggers that have copied your exact post.

Just wanted to make everyone aware that this website exist - so hopefully you can stop these people from copying your work.

Janelle said...

I can't understand why someone would do such a thing but I hope you and Rhonda can get to the bottom of it quickly. That is craziness, pure and simple!

Lorie said...

Oh No! That stinks! Glad you caught it! They could never be the real you! ;D

Stephanie said...

I can't believe that some people have the nerve to steal a post. I am sorry. I hope it all gets worked out soon. :)

Laurel said...

I am so sorry. This also happend to a friend of mine and she contacted blogger and they closed down the copy catter's blog.

Leslee P said...

girl, post the link so we can go there and let them know what we think....  but that would make them have more traffic...  sticky situation.  I had someone steal my jewelry blog logo....  if people could just be original, that would be great!!!  i hope this works out!

Kristin said...

Thanks for the warning. On a lighter note..I nominated you for an award over at my blog so go check it out!

Connie said...

I'm rather new to blogging so this scares me a little. I enjoy your blogs and I think it is really sad that this is happening to you. Hope you find an answer to it.

Andersen Family said...

I'm so sorry that this happened. It makes me pretty mad because I just love your blog and I know how much time you must spend on it. I surely hope they stop soon or they'll have to answer to all your readers that think you are so awesome :)

Ashley said...

This is happening to Wendy at The Shabby Nest, too!!! I feel so bad for you girls. I can't even believe how awful people can be!!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Wendy at the Shabby Nest said the same thing is happening to her. I know how much work goes into blogging; I am so sad and angry that someone is stealing the work of others. Hopefully if we all ban together we can get to the bottom of it and stop the creeps!

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

That's awful! I wonder what their motive in doing this is?? Can you turn them in to Blogger?

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

I don't get some people. I mean, what are they thinking? Why waste all that time trying to be someone else? How do you even know who is linking to you??

Kari Sweeten said...

That's just wrong!!
You have so many fans that we could shut this other blog down. I agree, tell us the link and we can bring it down together!!

Unknown said...

How distressing to go through the work to blog and find someone lifting it right out from under you! !

I'm wondering if there's any 'anti-theft' code you can put into your posts. I'm going to start googling it!

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

This is absolutely horrible! As if someone would do this. Can Blogger do anything about it? Gosh, just awful.

Free Art Printables said...

That is horrible! THough now I am dying to know which blog it is to see if anyone else's stuff is on there!

Kim said...

I've never heard of such a thing. How crazy. I don't even know how to check who is linking to me. I have come across my things here and there without being asked but not anything out and out total copying. I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem of the Internet . . . so easy to cut and paste! I'm sorry that it's happened to you, though. I think you have a really unique style, and only a complete moron would rip off someone with such a distinctive flair!

Karen and Gerard said...

How terrible, there's always someone who has to ruin a good thing, isn't there? Hope you can find a way to stop then from doing this, but I don't have a clue how. Good luck in getting this cleared up!

Lynn Kellan said...

These comments are so helpful. I'm going to check out the suggested copyright links right now.

Courtney said...

Aw, so sorry this is happening. I just can't believe it. Terrible. I hope there is legal action taken!

TidyMom said...

Joy, Suzanne McMinn of Chickens in the Road (author and blogger) had this happen to her last year - maybe you could get some help by reading her post about her dealings with this or even contact her - here's her post with updates from last year

This is just insane!


JessicaTheMouse said...

Oh man! That is terrible! I will try and look out for everyone and hope that it doesn't happen! I can understand why the person is stealing it, you are and awesome author! And whoever is doing it is plagerizing which is wrong! If you ever find out who let everyone know so we can block them or something!

KC said...

Bizarre - I just sent a link to this post to a friend. We call this sort of thing the "dark side" of blogging. I guess people really will steal anything.

AliceAnderson said...

This actually sounds like a blog aggregator to me. I've had this happen several times with several of my websites. I'm afraid it's just a script that's grabbing your content via your RSS feed and not a specific person out to copy you. I was never able to find contact information either and it appeared they were pulling posts in for a group of topics and then had google ads to make money. But I also noticed that I got a good amount of traffic from those buzzards too. :\

Ruby Red Slippers said...

That is crazy!!!
I am sorry that is happening...Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

I just can't even imagine what would make someone do that!!

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