I love the feeling of being home! I truly enjoy being surrounded by the people I love and the things that make me happy. I am passionate about finding joy in my home---which for me has a double meaning. My home is where I find comfort and discover who I am by using my talents and abilities.
I'm an avid thrift store shopper and collector. I love to create, re-purpose, design, re-invent and build all sorts of things.
I am passionate about helping others find the joy in their homes that I do in mine. And I believe that it doesn't take a lot of cash to do it.
"The more you trust and rely upon the Spirit, the greater your capacity to create." ---Dieter F. Uchtdorf
You're welcome to copy my ideas.
If one of my ideas has inspired you, I'd love for you to leave me a note so I can enjoy seeing your project.
But please don't copy my photos without first asking my permission.
One day, as I was prepping a thrift store item for paint, my youngest said in his somewhat sarcastic pre-teen voice, "Let me guess, you're going to paint it black right?" I defended myself, "I don't paint everything black!" and proved it by listing all of the colors I had recently used. However his comment made me pause and take a fresh look at my home. Was the decor a bit dark, heavy and predictable? Perhaps in some areas. Or perhaps his comments just gave me the motivation I needed to change things up a bit. I began the transformation in the living room, in a spot where I noticed a high concentration of the color black.I admit that I found it easy to transform because I had recently picked up a beautiful mirror from the thrift store and an irresistible lamp on clearance.Then I turned my attention to the coffee table. It had no black, but it had looked this way all summer and it too needed a little lightening up.It's amazing how rearranging a couple of surfaces in a room can make you feel like the whole room has had a makeover. How about your home? Are things a little too predictable? I'll be happy to send my pre-teen over to give his opinion!
Black is such a nice color to use as an accent. However, I absolutely LOVE that shade of green on the door, which is such a clever table. Jan bobbypinsboardwalk@yahoo.com
First.no thanks on the swap... I survived the horrors of my wonderful son being "kidnapped BY ALIENS" at age 13 and returned in the form of a surly, sarcastic teenager..but lo and behold, SOMEHOW a miracle took place before he turned twenty..my wonderful son was returned to me..with ATTITUDE better than ever! and he still thinks his mom is the greatest!! loved the post!! ♥smiles..Loui
Great post! Love how with a little adjustment you changed the look so successfully. As for borrowing your pre-teen, although I appreciate the offer, I have two teenagers of my own, but thank you for thinking of me! :) Wx
My almost-12-yr-old son makes similar comments. He doesn't like anything "old", like my salvaged windows, and often asks, somewhat sarcastically, "are you going to blog about that?" Your changes look fresh!
I just found your inspiring blog today and I adore it here! I'll be back often I can tell already. I just love all of your decor' and ideas. What a gorgeous table and vignette!
I don't have a pre-teen. However, my husband, just this morning, said the same thing! I found a roadside table this weekend. When I mentioned painting it, he said, "Let me guess, you're painting it black?" Smart pants. I'll show him. I think I'll paint it green.
Moms of 12 year olds should really form a club lol! I will say that every now and then I have to back up and see if Im getting carried away with the black spray can. It just makes so many things look so much better!
I love the changes you made, very easy and makes a big difference. Do you just have a stock room of extra stuff???
Hahaha on loaning your pre-teen out. I just got, or should say husband and I just got guardianship of my 3 younger siblings. One of which turns 13 in Dec..soo it is stunning to hear the things they say. LOL...
Black is such a nice color to use as an accent. However, I absolutely LOVE that shade of green on the door, which is such a clever table.
First.no thanks on the swap...
I survived the horrors of my wonderful son being "kidnapped BY ALIENS" at age 13 and returned in the form of a surly, sarcastic teenager..but lo and behold, SOMEHOW a miracle took place before he turned twenty..my wonderful son was returned to me..with ATTITUDE better than ever!
and he still thinks his mom is the greatest!!
loved the post!!
Great post!
Love how with a little adjustment you changed the look so successfully.
As for borrowing your pre-teen, although I appreciate the offer, I have two teenagers of my own, but thank you for thinking of me! :)
Got a 12-year-old of my own. They do keep you humble, don't they?
I like your changes! Thanks for the inspiration to look at things with fresh eyes.
That sounded more like it came from my eleven year old. I guess then know us better than we think. However, the mirror turned out FABULOUS!
My almost-12-yr-old son makes similar comments. He doesn't like anything "old", like my salvaged windows, and often asks, somewhat sarcastically, "are you going to blog about that?"
Your changes look fresh!
I just found your inspiring blog today and I adore it here! I'll be back often I can tell already. I just love all of your decor' and ideas. What a gorgeous table and vignette!
Many Blessings and Happy Fall!
~Melissa :)
I don't have a pre-teen. However, my husband, just this morning, said the same thing! I found a roadside table this weekend. When I mentioned painting it, he said, "Let me guess, you're painting it black?" Smart pants. I'll show him. I think I'll paint it green.
I love little, simple changes. And although I love black (except for the constant dusting that has to happen)I think some lighter colors are good too!
I've put out alot of fall colors for this time of the year. Check my blogs to see what I did to give the rooms a fall look.
Your room looks so nice.
What is wrong with black, right??? Well, at least you know he is paying attention to your decor!
Gosh - your family sounds just like mine....but, I do surprise them sometimes with OTHER colors...
I love your finds by the way !
Moms of 12 year olds should really form a club lol! I will say that every now and then I have to back up and see if Im getting carried away with the black spray can. It just makes so many things look so much better!
"Out of the mouths of babes"...it's amazing what kids notice, and they never hold back, do they? Love your coffee table, especially the color!!
We had a similar week with someone asking if we were going to paint something black, as usual. Just like you, it made me pause and look around a bit:)
Nice lamp!
Why can't I find a mirror like that?
I love the changes you made, very easy and makes a big difference. Do you just have a stock room of extra stuff???
Hahaha on loaning your pre-teen out. I just got, or should say husband and I just got guardianship of my 3 younger siblings. One of which turns 13 in Dec..soo it is stunning to hear the things they say. LOL...
Lovely post. I love the green door and accessories on it.
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