It has taken it's fair share of abuse from our family from meals to toys to school projects. We have made many memories while gathered around it. I often think about the stories it could tell of it's previous life with other families.
I inherited these gorgeous chairs from my grandmother.

A few months back I stumbled upon
two tufted beauties at the thrift store.
I was smitten the moment I saw them!
They now sit at each end of our table and are often called into service in our living room when we have guests and need additional seating. I am delighted by the way they soften the dining area and bring in a bit of a feminine element to an otherwise more heavy and masculine space.
Opposites do attract!
two tufted beauties at the thrift store.

It is always hard to have one of our chicks leave the nest. The empty chair at the table is so lonely. But, to think what he is learning and giving of himself. I know you are proud and you should be.
Saturday my youngest and I picked up her wedding dress and I had a huge moment of reality hit me. After the tears stopped, I realized how very blessed I am and of course I look forward to the wedding. Many years of happiness ahead. Many memories of yesterday to cherish.
I love your tufted finds, Joy! I know it's difficult ~ my son's first year of college he was away and dorming at school. I was fine the day we dropped him off and walked around campus. It wasn't until I got home and came up the stairs that the emotion hit. His bedroom is right at the top and I bawled like a baby {for about 2 weeks actually}. He is attending school closer to home now having switched his major, so he's back to living at home.
Hi Joy, I know the house gets too quiet. Kids bring so much "life" into a house. Currently, I have one son up north attending college and I miss him everyday. My oldest son moved back east after college for his job . . missed him like crazy. He's back now with a big appetite. I have a daughter who hasn't left yet, goes to college locally. Our kids mean everything to us, don't they? On a happier note, love that tufted chair at the end of table, looks great!
I'm excited for your son to be serving and wish you all the very best! (Two years will pass quicker than it sounds). And, I love you table! It is fabulous!
It was SO hard when my son went to the MTC and it almost felt like a death in the family with him gone. While he was there he had to go to a lot of DR.s visits for migraines and we were lucky to be able to take him to his appointments. It was then seeing how fast he was learning the language but mostly the FUN he was having and the great guys he was becoming friends with was the trick for me. I was able to drop him off each time and say Love You and have fun. Just ask Heavenly Father for the comfort. My heart is with you.
The chairs are beautiful. What a great find. My 4th child just recently left for schooling for the Army National Guard. We miss his comedy and loudness everyday. My 3 older one's are married and on their own now. None close to home and 1 in Canada. I'm visiting next week though. She's having her 3rd little boy. So exciting!
OOOO...I love a good thrifted chair!!
I can't believe that you got those chairs at the thrift store--amazing. Sorry your house is quiet--I long for those days sometimes, but know they will come all too quickly.
Oh I know the house is more quiet now with your 3rd son gone. I have heard Chinese is a hard language and I wish him lots of success at learning the language so he can serve.
Your dining area is beautiful and I love the new tufted chairs...gorgeous!!
With my baby just 4 1/2 I hope it it is a looooong time before I experience an empty nest. I love those chairs!
Your table is fantastic and the pressback chair...I love them. Sorry you are feeling the empty nest...it will get better with time...Have a good week!
Congrats on your son's new service...I just read my son's email from Nicaragua and love reading when he types "I LOVE MY MISSION". He is growing so much and it helps to fill the empty spot in my heart.
Also love the dining set...my table belong to my parents so it has seen over 30 years of memories. Thanks for the post.
Joy - I know you've been through missions before with your other children, but the last one leaving is surely most difficult! At least you're an expert at being a missionary mom now! LOL
The only thing I have from my grandma is her set of luggage, which I cherish! Love your dining room set!
Joy I just love your blog and check it often! I'm happy for your little chick on his new adventure but sorry you'll miss him. My son is 8 and the years are flying by! Your home is lovely - thank you sharing it with me!
You are a girl after my own heart.
Love the old furniture! Completely know where you are coming from on the missionary thing!
We have 2 missionaries serving right now, with our 3rd and youngest getting ready to go.
My son summed it up one night, when he commented to me that this being an only child thing isn't all it's cracked up to be.
We just focus on the wonderful opportunities and rich blessings and try not to cry in public : )
Loved seeing your dining room table and hearing of it's history. I WISH I had something from my familes past...I have 3 adult children so I totally know that same "empty" feeling, but you'll find it will pass and "pride" in your baby bird will fill the void.
Did your son leave on a mission? My son left on a mission in the early part of December. I've been going through the same thing. I miss him so much but he'll only be gone 22 more months! Only one more Christmas without him. :)
I will say a prayer for you son, to thank him for sacrficing his life to serve God as well to have him have a safe journey. I can imagine it is diffcult to be proud and sad at the same time. I remember when my boyfriend left on his mission my senior year.
I think the chairs are lovely pieces. I have always liked the mix of chairs, matchy is for other parts of the house. Plus it can give a orginalailty to the person that usually gets to set in that chair.=)
I love your tufted chairs; they bring a wonderful element to that room! I have an old deacon's bench from my grandmother's church at my dining table. I like the way it breaks up what would otherwise be a matched table and chairs. Makes things less fussy and more approachable.
God bless you as you send your son off to serve!
When my children left home, the "quietness" was deafening. I thought I would just die. But then, I realized that God had entrusted these wonderful people to us to prepare for this time. I now enjoy the new adult versions and I am really enjoying those precious grandbabies that have given to me. I know you are so proud of your son. He is living each day, trying to accomplish something, not merely to exist.
GORGEOUS!!!!! The table, the story and the new chairs!
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