Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm Back, I'm Catching Up, And I'm Crazy?!?

Hoooray! We're up and running again.
And if you think I accomplished creatively, wonderful things yesterday... I'm sorry to disappoint you. I did manage to catch up on a little laundry though. Speaking of catching up, I want to thank those of you who have passed along awards to me. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness! For those of you who've tagged me and want me to list weird or random facts, I've decided instead...(oh, you know I'm a rule breaker!) spend a post answering questions. Hopefully, you won't be bored! Feel free to ask about painting, decorating or past projects. And just to get you started, Darlene asked: Are the forks [on the fork rack] sturdy enough to hang things besides keys? The answer is: Yes. I've hung jackets on it. But I wouldn't hang my ten pound purse on it.

Now, I want you to see one of my latest
thrift store finds.
As I stood in the thrift store,
I thought I heard it call to me:

"Joy, buy me please!
I'm only ten dollars.

You know you have a soft spot for wing back chairs.
Look at the detail on my legs.
I'm unusual. And you like the unusual.
I'd look great spray painted.
I'd be pretty easy to reupholster.
Please don't leave me here.

I want to go home with you!" Now I'm beginning to question,


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that chair. You're totally not crazy. I wish I could find good stuff like that at my thrift store.

Darlene said...

You are so funny Joy....I can't wait to see that chair in all it's new glory!!!!!

I am so glad you are up and running again!!! Welcome back!!

Runner Mom said...

Cute, cute chair! Maybe I need to run by some thrift stores today!

So, do you upholster too?

Shirlee said...

Good Morning Joy. I think the chair was a good buy and I know you'll do wonders with it.
Have a great day! :)

Valarie Lea said...

I can see the potential!!! By Johnny's I can see the potential!! I think I am getting the hang of this re-do stuff!!

Shilo said...

I don't think you're crazy! Look forward to seeing the finished product!

Katie said...

I love that, which kind of thrift store. I have noticed some thrift stores really mark the prices high. I have found Godwill to be the most reasonable. I love it by the way, and I totally would leave with it too!!

Lacy said...

Hilarious! I have heard things calling to me too! I know you will make it fabulous!!!! I cant wait!!

Anonymous said...

...maybe crazy for hearing the chair talk, but not crazy for buying it. Can't wait to see it all fixed up!

Anonymous said...

I never find stuff as cool as the stuff you find..

Blissfully Enamored said...

i LOVE this chair! I am looking for two wooden chairs right now to paint black and re-upholster! this one might even look neat painted black, with a zebra pillow or some sort of detail like that added to it! What a GREAT find!! I am so jealous!!

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

So HAPPY you're back. : )
I bought a chair from a thrift store once for $18 because the shape was SO cute. I paid someone else to upholster it for me (with my fabric). Ooh the compliments I get on that adorable thing. It sits in the corner of my bedroom. If you'd like to see it, it's pictured on my very first post ever. Good luck with yours!

Georgia Girl said...

Yep I say just as crazy as the rest of us...We love buying junk and making others see the beauty of it.

As for a question...Are there any tutorials for making tassels. I want to attempt to make one but can't seem to find anything on it. Any suggestion?

Shell in your Pocket said...

PLEASE post the pictures of what you do with that chair...I know it will be great. I just bought a small wooden vanity at a garage sale for 5 bucks! I am so excited to do something but I was thinking "why did I buy that!!"

Oh the fun you will have!
-Sandy Toes

Anonymous said...

Talking furniture...I wouldn't leave the store w/out it either! ;) I can't wait to see your re-do!

J.R. and Tammy said...

I would kill for that chair! A little paint and maybe some awesome damask type fabric and OH BABY!

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

$10 for that chair...OMGosh!!!!!!!!! What a deal! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

Deb said...

Love, love, love it. Painted black with a black and cream damask print covering the cushions. I could totally make that work.

The Dragonfly said...

I see so, so much potential in that chair Joy! It will be fabulous as soon as you give it a little makeover. If I were the owner, I would paint (black of course) and reupolster in a nubby linen - with a sharpied on monogram to make it look old and French.

Lincoln and Alisia said...

no way, don't reupholster it! Spray paint it, but I totally love that blue--at least from the pics. You can put it in my room.

Missy Wertz said...

Joy, I need another chair in this house like I need a hole in my head. In fact, if I bring another chair in this house, DH my shoot me. But, if I saw that chair in a thrift store for 10 bucks someone would have to hog tie me and drag me out of the place gagged so I would not buy it.

Can't wait to see what you do with it.

Shannon said...

You could never be crazy!! What a great chair. Can't wait to see what you do!!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous chair. If your crazy then I must be too cause I hear that very often. :)

AJ said...

I know whatever you do with the chair that it will look great!

Amy said...

That chair has good bones! Even if it becomes more difficult to slipcover than you want to tackle right now, it looks like it could be slipcovered without too much trouble.

Also, that chair would be $30 for sure at my Goodwill!

Amy said...

Oops, I meant to say "if it's too difficult to reupholster right now . . ."

Adventure girl said...

I keep forgetting to tell you that I love your name. I wish I would have named my girls: joy and faith!

Thank goodness you're up and running again! I can't wait to see what you are going to do with that chair?

Mrs. B said...

Yay! You're back! Love that chair! You would have been crazy NOT to buy it! The legs and arms are beautiful.

bloggin' Chrystal said...

That is gorgeous!!!!!!!! I think I heard it call to me when I saw it just then. Where can I pick it up?

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

No No No! I LOVE the is going to be adorable when you are done with it. I can't wait to see it!!! Way to go!

Helen said... are not crazy. Furniture and other things talk to me all of the time. If fact, I'm sure that neat chair would have called to me, if I had only seen it first! You keep us in stiches! Love it!


cherry said...

That is gonna be one hot swingin chair when you are done...the others in you house will be jealous. cherry

Jaime said...

Love the chair find. You know, the turquoise color is in right now, that is if you are into modern style of decorating. Oh what do I know, I'm no interior decorator, I just know what I like, and that's what I buy.

Heard about you through the Crafting, Cropping, and Cooking blog.

I too, am LDS. Great to find your blog. I plan to visit again soon.

Unknown said...

Joy, the chair is awesome! It will make a fitting throne for Mr. Joy after it gets its rehab.

Lacey in the Sky said...

You'd be crazy not to buy that chair! I love it! Can't wait to see what you do with it!

The Beauty Bargainista said...

Yes, you are off your rocker and you should send me this chair so I can umm......take care of it? lol!! No, I love it! I think you can do something awesome with it for sure!!

Angela said...

That is a great find-it'll look great when you're done! I can't wait to see it.

Anna @ The Shady Pine said...

What a gorgeous chair just begging to be reupholstered. A sheer moment of sanity I say!

Angie said...

NO, you were not crazy! You would have been crazy to not get it! I can't wait to see what magic you are going to bestow upon it!

Dianna said...

If it makes you feel better, I have a thrifted magenta nightstand in the garage that I need to figure out what to do with.

You're not crazy! You just see the potential. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

Anonymous said...

I can not wait to see what you do about this! I love the chair!

Jenn said...

I think that chair is great!


Ruby Red Slippers said...

Love the chair-very unique. Only ten dollars? That is amazing!

nikkicrumpet said...

Well first I think we need to disect "crazy"...were you crazy to buy the chair? HECK NO! That baby is gonna look awesome with some paint and new upholstery. Were you "crazy" to think the chair was actually talking to you? HECK YES...and now I'm a wee bit scared of you lol

Robin Beck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robin Beck said...

No really I can spell! :)
Can't wait to see the finishED product!

Empty Nest Full Life said...

If the chair is sturdy, for $10 it is a keeper. I'm taking it easy on the thrifty finds for a little while until I am more caught up. Hope to post some of the catching up. Jackie

Cottagecheap said...

Definately NOT crazy, LOVE that chair. Will be VERY pretty all jazzed up. I would love it in my living room with some yellow paint and floral fabric.

Carol said...

Ten dollars? Wow, what a bargain! Can't wait to see you work your magic.


Sue said...

Be sure and post an "after" shot of the chair. My question....How do you come up with SO MANY cute ideas? Are you working on something ALL the time?

santamaker said...

I want it! You know I'm the chair junkie, now hand it over!

Carla said...

Well I love the chair, and I can't wait to see what you do with it.

I have a question What color and brand of brown spray paint do you like to use? I can't seem to find a "good " brown.

abeachcottage said...

OMG Joy not crazy at all, but funny! I can imagine the stuff I pick up 'talking' like a Toy Story for thrifting. I have to say I would probably have thought that the chair was not so good b/c of the revolting blue vinyl but actually like you say, the bones of that baby are so there. I *know* that'll sing when you paint me heehee!

I have four in the garage waiting for love, I am gonna try upholstering for the first time, I'll have a look through your old posts to see what you've done, I feel a bit like I'll muck it up but then I got the chairs for a 15 bucks each so a no brainer really

oh and your comment re the rope, I do have rope and roofbars, but I've got a 4x4 and it's high, there's pretty much no hope of me getting something like a bench on the roof without help and roadside there aren't often many willing helpers lol! however my beachmobile is quite van like when the seats are down, I've been surprised just what I can stuff in there...

can't wait to see what you do with the chair - I sure need the inspiration ;-)


Kacey said...

Oh I'm thinking of SEVERAL fabrics that would look GORGEOUS on this chair. This chair is perfect and you were not crazy at all!! Ok, well maybe just a little since you thought it was talking to you. But I do the same thing so we can't be THAT crazy right?

Mimi Sue said...

Yes you're probably crazy. I say welcome to the club! Mimi

edie said...

I'd give ya fifty for it! Great find!

Anonymous said...

Not crazy, Not crazy!!! This is a perfect chair to remake; wish I had one just like it! Do I see black in its future?lol Have a great weekend - Jeannette

Michelle said...

Can't wait to see the after pics..

Ms. Tee said...

That's chair is such a neat find! I wish we had good stuff at our thrift stores - it happens once in a blue moon. :) Have a great weekend!

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

Thanks for the compliment on my daughter's bedroom! To answer your question about the was good but not awesome like I expected. I loved the Notebook & the other Nicholas Sparks movies but this one just was ok. The actors were great though. I would say just wait till it's on dvd don't spend $8-$10 to see it at the theatre.

Anonymous said...

I finally found the frames.. I gave it a try.. and I posted them on my blog.. I also posted a link back to your page so that everyone would know how to make them..

Thanks for sharing wonderful fun ideas..

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