Hooray! Some of you asked questions on the last post. And for those of you who've asked me questions on older posts (the dollar frame project, etc.), I'm just getting caught up, so be patient with me.
Q: Jenn asked about painting her chandelier. I tried to email you Jenn, but the info was wrong so I'm answering you here.
A: If your chandelier does not have a really shiny/glossy finish you should be able to spray paint it without any problems. If it has a mat finish, like my lamp did, &/or feels a little rough when you touch it, the paint should adhere just fine.
If it has a really shiny/glossy finish, you'll want to sand it first with a medium grit paper. You just need a light sanding. Then, to be safe you should prime it with a primer made for metal, before you spray paint it. Because it's not going to get a lot of wear, these steps are enough.
I like using Rustoleum brand paint in a satin finish. I like the sheen of a satin. Then if you lightly spray a metallic over it, it will really have a warm finish. Be sure to keep a good distance when you spray the metallic. You only want a dusting of color.
Q: Rambling Girl asked if there were any tutorials on how to make tassels.
A: Elise at Nest Sweet Nest did a tutorial on tassel making. I heard about it from Darlene at Darlene's Days. She's made a few cute ones too.
Q: Sue asked how I come up with so many ideas. Am I working on something all the time?
A: I am happiest when I'm creating. And I AM working on something all of the time. Once I tried to write down all of the things that I wanted to accomplish in my home. It was SEVERAL pages long! I made the mistake of counting each thing and figuring out how long it would take if I did one each day. It was overwhelming! Now I just try to do the ideas that excite me most each day. It's more fun for me, although it frustrates my family. One of my sons jokingly refers to our house as "The house of unfinished dreams" because I have so many ideas and not enough time to do them all.
Q: Runner Mom asked if I upholster too.
A: I've recovered chairs, and made slipcovers, but my thrift chair would be my first big upholstery project.
Q: Carla asked what color and brand of brown spray paint I like.
A: I used Rustoleum's Espresso in satin for this project. I think that it's a nice brown.
Now, I can't leave you for the entire weekend without something fun.
I bought a very large tray at the thrift store. It was rather plain and was stained an orangish color.
I sanded it and primed it.

and sanded the edges for a distressed look.

with a bronze metallic dusting.

Those pretty finials are now fancy legs.

I added some fleur de lis rub on decals.

Can I come live with you and just watch you. Huh Huh can I please!!
I've been lurking around your blog for awhile and whenever you post I just think "she's too cool." Have you seen this blog? http://ateliergrisnez.blogspot.com/ She lives in france and upholsters furniture. I love the before and after pics and have been dreaming of reupholstering something after seeing her pics.
thanks for the tips...
I love the tray:)
That is so clever! Love it! What will you use it for? I think it would be great to throw bills in.
Love the finials. I just found (two days ago) a small (5 x 14 isH) framed mirror that I thought was TOO ugly to hang on the wall and as I walked away I pictured it with feet and as a 'tray' for candles etc. I have painted it have been looking for cabinet pulls for feet...Now I might find finials instead....hmmmm where to look. I will send you a link wheN I get it done. Right now it is primed and has little pumpkins sitting in it. (it couldn't wiat for it's feet)
Oh Joy- this project is lovely!! I feel exactly the same way about making a list of my project to-do's. Send your son over here- this is where the real "unfinished dreams" are, lol!
Just love the tray! What a great find, and just love the way your made it extraordinary!
Blessings to you and yours,
I'm just staring at the tray with my mouth hanging open! Oh, my goodness! What is the name of your thrift store?????? And, I am with Valerie's comment--Please??? Too cute!
GO AHEAD AND PUBLISH YOUR BOOK and put me down to purchase your first copy. I'm amazed!
Thanks Joy for mentioning my tutorial.....
I'm with the others...can you just pick a weekend and we will all just come and watch you create (you know you are like a blog celebrity!)...then you would only have to clean up the drool once...lol
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the tray....
Your killing me! I love how you sooo think outside the box! You have a gift:) Love what you did!
I have got to find an electric hand sander....is that what you use? I'm going to start my own tool kit....and keep dear hubby out of it!!!
I love Q&A sessions and your tray is awesome!!
Goodness gracious, Joy! That tray is so AWESOME! I'm picturing it full of mini pumpkins, but you'll probably do something amazing that I would never think of!
I must be more open when I am in the thrift store....for now..I am just happy being a copy cat with all of your great ideas....is that OK?
OMG that is cute and clever and I want one...so great of an idea...
ARRGH...could ya just once do a project that I could mock and feel superior to!! JUST ONCE...I keep hoping you'll do something that I can just look down my nose at...but alas they are ALWAYS winners. I love love love this tray Idea. I have a boring tray right now...I think it's calling out for finial feet. Where did you get the rub-ons if you don't mind my asking?
Oh my gosh, that tray! You are the rocket scientist of decor, my dear!
Hi! I've been visiting your site for a couple weeks now and just love it! You have already inspired me sooo much! This latest project is definitely genius! I told my mom just yesterday (as we were making the thrift store rounds) that I wished I could just quit work and craft all day!
I have a question for you though. I am semi-new to the spray painting experience and have already built up quite a few cans! So, do you have a suggestion for stylish storage? Because, as you know, even spray paint deserves to be stored sweetly!! :)
I am coming to your house to steal this tray because I WANT IT!!! Seriously, I really love it and will definitely be making one for my house. Thanks for always inspiring me!
Stylish spray paint storage huh? Sorry, I store mine in the garage, but the ones I use most I stash inside a big ol' crock by my back door. Does that count as stylish?!?
The rub ons came from Wally World. I first saw them on Susie Harris' blog when she used them on white plates.
It looked sweet!
You are AMAZING!!! I want that tray..when are you opening your ETSY shop??????so we can buy your stuff!
-Sandy Toes
Thank you so much for the information on your painting technique for your lamp! Sounds like I need to get some sandpaper...the chandelier has a shiny surface. Thanks again for all your help! :)
Love what you did with the tray!!
I'm jealous of all your tools. The drill is the only power tool I have. That tray is FANTABULOUS! And you painted it my favorite color. LOVE IT!
Joy, I was shopping at a factory closeout store at lunch and they had packages of drapery hardware. Kind of odds and ends. They had little iron finials and no rods, but I knew just what to do with them, thanks to you! I picked up four finials for 50 cents, thank you very much, and I can't wait to try my hand at a pretty tray like yours! Thank you, thank you for sharing all of your wonderful ideas so freely and openly. You truly are a "joy"!
That tray looks great...and like it cost a lot of money!
Great job!
Wow I wish I had your vision when you see things. I love the tray you made, very chic. And I loved reading all your questions and answers how cool, I feel I know you a little better. I like that.
have a great weekend.
Super-cute project!! Love the decal added on, it's a perfect touch!
That tray is super! I love the way you think!
I'm speechless...that is gorgeous!! Thank you for sharing the process with the rest of us!!!
I wish I had the time to do all the ideas that I get from you. My list keep growng.
Blessings, Virginia
Your brain baffles me. How would you ever think to use finials as legs??? I was at the flea market today and I found these random antebellum objects and I literally said "Come on Kacey, what would Joy do?" Ha! Ha! I was still stumped because of the randomness of it all BUT I did find some super cute stuff. One for a project! Woohoo! LOVE the tray!
I *HEART* you!
You are just a joy of creative lady...now, off to find me a tray to redo!
I need some of your energy right now. Great project and good to get to know you a little better. Have a great weekend. Jackie
Yummmmmmmmmmy tray. I have a thing for them. Treeeeees chic. cherry
Oh, wow, that looks so amazing!! I just discovered you and would love to link to your blog from mine if you don't mind! Now I need to go read more!
Fab idea for the tray. Love it. Good luck with the upholstery. Mimi
Love the tray! Very cute! I might have to make a few drawers into trays like that!
Hi Joy - I love your tray - another inspiring project for sure!!! Thanks for answering my harp painting question - it worked out well! I never would have though about having both harps the exact same size - until I couldn't get the shades even! You saved me another trip to the store!
I just wanted to let you know that I did a Tassel Tutorial on my tassel blog - BeTasseled. It might help Rambling Girl and others who want to tassel - WARNING - you can't just make one ... it's addictive!
You can find the tutorial here:
I hope that it is helpful! I am working on a second one, but life just keeps on interrupting!
Oh my, I just found your blog, and I am completely enchanted by it!
I also believe in "THE POWER OF SPRAYPAINT"! ha!... And staple guns & glue guns are my weapons of choice!!
Hope to make many happy visits here.
Beautiful Blessings~Kelly Ramsey
PS~ I am having an Autumn GIVEAWAY if you would like to come by....
I bow down to you girl!! you are so darn creative!!! - thanks for visiting my blog and answering my questions!! - and no, you weren't too late, I've had a crazy busy week and never got to my boo frame/project yet - so thanks a million!!!!
Hi Joy! I LOVE your work! I am so inspired by it! I was just wondering....how can we contact you by e-mail? I have a question that is rather lengthy and didn't want to leave it in the comment section. I couldn't find your contact info on your blog. Thanks so much! And keep up the great work!
-Ruth Ann
Oh my goodness - you are amazingly creative. That tray is just adorable. I love it. Hope you have a great weekend! :)
Such a great idea! I'll be linking to this!
I have seriously stopped visiting and /or commenting because every time I come I go out and buy everything....do you know how many unfinished "Joy" projects I have in my craft closet? hee hee...but they still make me happy thinking of the finished project, and then what blog fodder I will have. It will probably be next summer.....
Oops - forgot to add the most important part.....UN.BE.LIEVE.ABLE....that's what you are!!
Thanks for visiting. I will look forward to sharing my house updates with you. I also forgot to tell you I am a mom to a special needs child so I also think you are awesome for having been a teacher!
PS-I finished my little tray, that is nto nearly as chic as yours!
Holy Moly, Smarty Pants! I swear my heart skipped a beat when I saw the word finials... it all connected in a big beautiful way in my head! I LOVE IT! ::Sighs:: You get more done in a day than I do in a month! ((Glad you got the bottle labels! I wanted a reason to buy them so badly!))
Thanks so much Joy for answering my question. I know you have many friends who love your blog as I do. It really is nice that you took the time to answer me. Just know it means a lot! Always thanks for stopping by my little corner in blogland. Have a wonderful day and I will be back often as I love your corner of this world.
I love that tray!! You keep coming up with projects I HAVE to do! They are so fun!
Love that tray!! What a neat idea:)
Cute! I went downstairs last night after reading this post and can you believe it! There on the floor next to all the toys is a wooden tray that used to hold play food! Not anymore! What are you putting in your tray? I would love to see and copy! Julie
Your tray is FANTABULOUS! Love it!
I found a tray for $1 this weekend and some clearance wooden finials at Lowes! Yeah! I get to copy Joy! What would I do without all of your good ideas Joy? Goodness knows I don't have time to come up with any of my own these days!
O.K. Joy, I have finished another project that I saw on your blog...I did the tray makeover. I absolutely love it and thanks again for such great ideas and creativity!!
I volunteer at a local non-profit salvage store, and we are always looking for ways to inspire our customers with other uses for
doors. You know, when is a door not a door? Could we post photos of your projects on our website? Obviously we would give you credit with a link to your blog. Thanks.
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