Friday, March 20, 2009

A, B, or C

I appreciate all of your ideas for the giveaway.
My favorite suggestions were for you to fly me
to your home for a design consultation.
OH! I would LOVE that!!!
Speaking of love. . .
Don't we all love giving gifts that
we know the recipients truly enjoy?
I know I do.
So I've made this gift giveaway
a bit different.
YOU get to choose the gift.
Here's what you need to do.
Decide which gift you want to win.
Then leave me a comment on THIS post.
Specify Prize A, Prize B, or Prize C.
You can only pick one,
And you can only leave one comment.

Are you ready?

is a Custom-made Burlap Monogram
measuring 2 feet by 2 feet square.Frames for BOTH Prizes A & B will look like this one
made by Mr. J.of H.
and I'll paint it the color of your choice

is a Custom-made Chalkboard
measuring 2 feet by 2 feet square

is your choice of TWO of the following:
3 Moss Balls
a Custom-made Monogram Plaquea Small Chalkboardor a Custom-made Family Name Plaque

Only One Choice & One Comment Per Person
I'll accept comments until
Tuesday March 24th at 10 PM MST
***Edited to Add:***
Time is up!
Thanks for your comments


1 – 200 of 471   Newer›   Newest»
Windy said...

Oh, I love the chalkboard - I would choose red trimming!
So for me....B!

Maranda said...

I love option C! I'd want the Family name plaque and the small chalkboard!

Kathleen said...

Love. Love. Love. all of them...but if I have to choose, it would be the chalkboard. It's just SO cute!!!
I read your blog ALL the time and I just LOVE all the great things you thank you for blogging!!

Pam said...

Everything you make is absolutely lovely. I would choose option C, though. I love the monogram and the moss balls!

Cindy said...

You are just generous!!!! Isn't this fun?!?!?!

Joy, I choose C - 3 moss balls, and a custom-made monogram plaque "C" !!

Happy Friday :) and have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

So hard to decide...they are all beautiful. I would choose B the custom cute for my kitchen. Your blog is awesome and I love getting my regular dose of design information from you. Congratulations on your blog anniversary!

Kristen said...

Oh this is such an awesome prize! As hard as it is to choose, I will have to go with option C-but I'm still not settled on which two I would pick!

Emily and Frank said...

I like option A- the unique burlap monogram! Congrats on your anniversary!!

Breck said...

Prize B please!! You do some awesome things with your home!! Love them all!!

Stephanie said...

I would have to go with option C, although it was tough to pick one!

Amelia said...

I certainly enjoy your blog.

Enter my name in your drawing. My preference is Option C with the family name and the monogram.

Have a wonderful Spring day!

Mel said...

C for me! Could I take a double dose of the moss balls?

Ruby Red Slippers said...

Why, Oh Why did you make this so hard??? Choices, choices! LOL
I will choose selection A. But I love, love, love (!) them all!!!

The Dearborns said...

"A" for me! I LOVE the burlap! :) What a great giveaway!

Darlene said...

Hi Joy,

What a fun giveaway!!!! I would LOVE to win Prize A. Hope you have a GREAT weekend.

Tiffany said...

It would be so difficult to chose just one, but I'm going to have to say prize A. I can't wait to see who wins!

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

Happy Blogoversary! I would pick B. Thanks!! Have a super great weekend!

Melissa said...

So hard to choose! I would love option C and would pick the monogram and the family name plate! Love your blog!

Audrey said...

C for me!!

Thanks so much for sharing all you do!

Anonymous said...

They're all so pretty!

My choice would be A - The Burlap Monogram.

Thank you for all of your inspiration - I can't wait to see what I'll learn in the coming year.


Melissa said...

I would love "A" with a big fat letter S on it. What a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Prize B! I would just be tickled to death if I were to win! You are way too talented!!

Dawn said...

Wow! Option A - the burlap monogram with a black frame, please!!!


K and/or K said...

In addition to all of your lovely ideas and creations, I love the chalkboard!

Richard and Carlie said...

Oooo, choosing is so hard! I think my fave is B.

Calli Potter said...

Your ideas always inspire me to get more creative in my home! I love prize B (they are all great actually!), and would love to win! I have 2 (almost 3) little ones and I have so many ideas for what I could use the chalkboard for!

Laura said...

My pick is option A! Too cute!!

BKicklighter said...

LOVE the burlap monogram - it would fit just perfectly with my "style".

Sole said...

What a wonderful giveaway!!! So many beautiful things it's so hard to choose! After going back and looking at them 3 times I think I would go with option C Moss balls and Monogram plaque. I love your blog. Thank you for the chance to win!

Posh Ideas said...

It's so hard to choose. B will be it though it's the most practical "need" for me! Love your blog!

Amy said...

Gimme an A!!!! Let's hear it for A!

Love it! You are so kind to give us a choice.


Amy said...

Oh how fun and cute! I would definitely choose c with the family name plaque and the monogram. Love it!

Brooke said...

Oh what lovely things!! :) I would have to choose option A and would love it with a nice "S" on it! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!

Marie said...

I would love "C" the small chalkboard and monogrammed plaque for my cottage. So wonderful of you to offer these gifts of love.

Twice as Nice said...

Nothing gets people over to a post faster than a give away! I would love to win A. Thanks for the chance.

Emily said...

I am a long time reader, and first time commenter.
I would love C, the moss balls and plaque.
Thanks for a great read, and so many ideas!

Bonnie said...

I have been trying to figure out the fonts on my computer in order to create my own family name placque and I cannot, so this is a golden opportunity! Thank you for your generosity. Your site is amazing and I read it every day. I would love "C" with the custom mono placque (which I also want to make if I could just figure out those darn font enlargements!) and the custom family name placque. I hope you keep creating and sharing your ideas with us. Bonnie

Julie said...

They are all lovely. our family would enjoy the chalkboard the most (option B). Great blog, btw.

Karen said...

WOW! How are we supposed to choose, they are all wonderful. But I think I would go with C and pick the family name plaque and the small chalkboard.
This is so generous of you. VERY FUN INDEED!!!
Have a wonderful day!

Kristofer said...

I would pick option C though. The moss balls and the monogram!
What a FUN giveaway!

kristofer312 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Put me down for B. Congrats on one year!!

Anonymous said...

I love anything monogrammed...A!

Angela C. said...

I would love to win prize c - with the name plaque and small chalkboard. Thanks for the giveaway.

accoupons at gmail dot com

Lynell said...

I love your blog!! I would love the silver monogram tray. With the initial "M"!!!

Keep up the great work!!

Vaughn Family Chaos said...

my pick would be "C"

Shana said...

Cool concept! I'd choose B, the chalkboard! I'm not sure what color for the kitchen is a super bright sunshine-y yellow

Karen said...

What a very generous giveaway. You are one of the first blogs I read every morning:). I would choose Prize B-the chalkboard.

Allison said...

Who, I want choice B to put in my kitchen. I would love it with cream trim.

Amy said...

These are all so cute! I would pick option C.

Karyn said...

Oh, they're all so great! You're such a talented woman! If I win (which I never do . . . but I can dream) I would love, love, love Option B! And your apple green is so cute, I would take that color. But if I don't win, I just might use your tutorial and make one on my one ;) Love ya Joy!

Carol said...

Choices, choices, choices! I pick "C"! The monogram plaque is wonderful!

Lindy said...

Option A, the burlap monogram. I absolutely love your blog! You hve inspired me to take on some new things. Thank you!

carizolli said...

Really? I can only pick ONE? They are all beautiful. I would be happy with any of them.

I guess my first choice would be B painted red.

Erica said...

I would have to choose option B. I've been wanting a chalkboard like that in my kitchen for making grocery lists!

Erin said...

Such's hard to pick one favorite, but I'd have to say the Custom-made Family Name Plaque.

Unknown said...

OH Please!! I choose B...I have been looking for one Black trim to go next to my Rooster clock.

Dianna said...

Oh, the chalkboard! My son would have so much fun with that.

Summer Freeman said...

I love option A. Monogramed with an F. I have to tell you that I have been inspired by you to do some things around my home to make it look more homey! Thanks!!

tina said...

Choice A!


tina said...

Choice A!


tina said...

Prize A!!! (Although I love the small monogram pic too! LOL). A is my choice. Great job on all these crafts!


tina said...

Prize A!!! (Although I love the small monogram pic too! LOL). A is my choice. Great job on all these crafts!


Preciousdesigns said...

I stumbled across your blog a couple of weeks ago and love it! I actually was about to make the chalk board, so
I will go with.....B of course! Thanks

bunchofbull-ers! said...

They are all great! I would choose "C", and my choices would be the monogram plaque and the family name plaque!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!


Michelle said...

You are wonderfully creative...WOW! I really like option C...the monogram plaque and family name plaque :) You are very sweet to host such a generous giveaway!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Kimberly said...

This is a HARD choice!! But I think I will go with option C: 3 moss balls and a mini chalk board.

Thanks for having this generous giveaway!

tHe HiLL FaMiLy fiVe said...

I can't get enough of the monograms, and I think that's because of you!! Ever since tuning in to your blog I've been hooked :) So I choose A, lOve iT!!

Michelle said...

I love love love the custom made managram.
I hope I win....

Wendy said...

Option B! Thanks for doing such a fun giveaway! Love visiting your blog. Thanks for sharing all your great ideas....

Ve said...

I like the hanging family name plaque!

Brenda said...

I love all of them, but I would have to choose the chalkboard (B)! I love it! Thank you!
You're awesome!

Rikards said...

Oh la la.. The large chalkboard, please with a butter yellow trim!

Joanna said...

Oh...Oh...It's so hard to choose, your choices are amazing...Ok...if you insist..Option C...Your Moss balls are perfect! And the name plaque, oh I have just the place!

Wonderful giveaway...Thanks for the chance to win!

megan said...

so fun!! but so hard to decide! I think i'd go with option C!!

Poulsen Family said...

I've seriously had chalk board envy since I saw yours, I'd love the chance to win.

Brenden, Lorie and Our Girls said...

Oh which one would I choose! They are all amazing. My most favorite would be the custom made monogram plaque. I must admit I'm addicted to black spray paint! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge!

OneMoreHound said...

You are absolutely inspiring! I can't wait to get a door to make into a coffee table!
I would love option A! It would just set such a tone in my new house!

Hannah said...

Could I ever be lucky enough to win this?! :) I'd choose B...the great chalkboard!

Bonnie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Small House said...

oooooh, I love the chalkboard (B). I would choose antiqued white trimming.
THANKS!! Have a great ay.

AKA Rosa said...

Happy Anniversary and thanks for all of the fun tips you share with me!! I pick B . . . so now it is upto you to pick ME!!

Maureen said...

I choose blog prize #B please! Thank you for all your wonderful ideas, it was a find when I stumbled upon your blog! My fingers, toes, legs, and eyes are all crossed in hopes of a win. Good luck fellow bloggers!

AnNicole@Our Suburban Cottage said...

A! I'll take could even do it with a letter A too which would make it less work for you because you've already made an A. Am I selling you on this?

Kim said...

Hard to choose, they are all great, but I would love option A! What a great giveaway, Joy!

Connie said...

Oh My goodness, how do I choose. I guess I would take Prize A, I am in love with monograms. You Rock!!!! LOVE YOUR BLOG, IT'S THE BEST.

Connie said...

I forgot to mention what letter I would want. An "A" please.

Julie said...

oh wow what great prizes almost to hard to choose but I would have to go with A I love a monogram

Erica Wyatt said...

Love them all. I would pick C. Maybe.

Erik and Michelle said...

I love all the choices!! I am going to go with.......option C
I love the monogram and moss balls!

Aloicoius said...

I choose prize B! I've always loved your chalkboard cupboard door...

Meghan, Carson and the Kiddos said...

I would love B with a red frame!

Wendy said...

Wow! This is so fun. I would choose Option C--chalkboard and family name. Ü

Anonymous said...

First, congratulations on your anniversary! I love reading your blog, you have so many wonderful ideas. I wish I were as creative as you are! Secondly, I think the giveaway is very generous of you, all options are great....having to choose only 1 though, I choose Option C. Good luck to everyone and thank you for the giveaway and your wonderful blog :-)

DESJ and Company said...

Methinks the custom made monogram...I love it!!!!

MaryAnn said...

Wow, heavy competition. Prize B for me! :)

Alicia said...

I just found your blog a few weeks ago and I love it! Right away I was inspired to copy the family name plaque! It turned out great and I feel so, well, crafty. If you select my number, I would love the burlap monogram (M).

Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas!

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

Congratulations on a year of blogging!
Your blog is wonderful, I love visiting.
My favorite of your give away options is the burlap monogram.

Angela said...

Prize B, please!!! So excited!

Turcotte said...

You have inspired me to thrift shop and try my hand at more crafting. Thanks. I would love option A. Thank you!

Ashlee said...

Oh my goodness they are all so fun!! My husband and I are celebrating our 1 year anniversary tomorrow and still don't have anything that's custom made for our name which is why I choose the Custom-made Monogram Plaque! Thanks so much for blogging! You truly inspire me to use my creativity.

Dawn said...

Ooh! I love everything! I think I would choose option C. I love the little chalkboard and the family name plaque!


Georgia Girl said...

Oh gosh I love all of them but I know I only get to choose A, B, or my answer will be "A"!

Oh I hope I am this lucky! Come on over and join in my giveaway.

Mom in High Heels said...

Are you SURE you wouldn't like to fly to Germany? Really, it would be awesome fun!
I'm guessing that's a no go, so I'll opt for C and I'd like the name plaque and the name plaque.

bj said...

OOOOO, what a hard decision!!
I do believe, if I should be blessed enuf to win one your generous giveaways, I would choose A. I LOVE MONOGRAMS...especially on BURLAP.
Thanks so much for giving us all a chance to win !!
xo bj

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

Very cool of you!! I think I would choose the chalkboard as well!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I would love to win the custom made chalkboard!!!!!! So perfect! Have a great weekend!

Heather said...

Happy Anniversary! I love your chalkboard, so I'll say B.

Kurt and Kortney Tobler said...

I love your blog! I don't usually comment but who doesn't love a giveaway?! :) I would choose option A if I were to win. Although any of the prizes would be wonderful to have! You are truly soo talented. Thanks!

*katie said...

Fun, fun! I love the chalkboard!

Helen said...

Hard to choose, but I'd have to say Option C. Thanks for all that you do.

misskp said...

What a wonderful idea for a giveaway! I would choose the chalkboard! They're all gorgeous!!

Stef said...

I choose A the burlap monogram- it's so great!

RyDeb.White said...

What a thoughtful give away. I love the chalkboard. It's super cute!

Adrienne said...

I agree with you. I very much enjoy giving gifts you know the recipient will love! What fun gifts you are giving away! I would pick C. Thanks!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I love them all! If I win!!!! I would pick A. I love that! But whoever wins will receive a wonderful gift!

jen@odbt said...

Prize C: monogram plaque and moss balls. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

If I don't win one I plan on making it on my own :D

I pick Prize B, custom chalkboard - in apple red please :D


Daisy said...

You are so generous! They're all terrific, but I sure would like the monogram.

Daisy said...

sorry...I hit "publish" too quickly...that would be the burlap monogram, project A

Beth Ann said...

I would go with C if I won. I would pick the small chalkboard and the name plaque!

Anonymous said...

I have loved your monogram stuff! I choose C I would want the Monogram sign and the mini chalkboard! Thank you so much for all your AWESOME ideas! I love checking your page! You inspire me to make old things become new. I have an old side table that my husband and I are going to sand and refinish. I got the idea from you. Thank you!!

sharonavinger said...

How kind you are! I'd choose prize C. I'd select the family name plaque and the monogram letter "A". Keeping my fingers crossed!


Raysha said...

All options are great but add me on for option B!

Susan said...

Oh my - how to choose?! Since I have to choose... I think I love "A" the most!

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

Cottagecheap said...

I am going to enter and then if you pick me say "surprise me", cuz that is just how i am!

FeFe@Good Intentions said...

Prize A - but man, that was hard!

Morris Mama said...

I love all of them but prize B is my fave! Thanks!

Sue said...

I LOVE all of them but since I must choose.....B!!!

Becky said...

First off, thanks for all the great posts and good ideas!
I love option C: the monogram and small chalkboard. Thanks!

kcenya1950 said...

Hi, Joy. I will choose Option C. I love the initial plaque and the small chalkboard. How generous of you to ake something special for your give-away.

buebau said...

This is a dificult choice, but I think I'd go for the Custom-made Monogram Plaque, And it'a already made, beacause it would be an "A" :D
Thanks for the chance of winning this beauty!
This is a wonderful giveaway!

Sabrina said...

What wonderful giveaways!
I love the custom made chalkboard! very lovely!

Lift Up Your Hearts said...

Oooh - I pick B! And also? You could do online consultations, where people send you their questions or pictures and pay you (or you could just do it as a feature on your blog) to give ideas. Can I be first in line? LOL ;-)

tabitha said...

That's a hard choice! I'll choose B--the chalkboard, but they are ALL great!

Gypsy aka Tam said...

Oh what an awesome giveaway!!! Certainly not an easy choice but I'm fascinated with anything burlap right now, so for me it has to be choice A!

Katherine said...

I absolutely love your blog, and have been addicted since I found it months ago. Everything you do is lovely! I'd choose option A should I be so lucky!


Anonymous said...

I would be so delighted to have the burlap monogram. I have ther perfect place for it - this minute! Thank you so much for sharing.

Mary said...

Oh Pick Me!!! I like all of your prizes but I have had my eye on your Burlap project since you showed it on your lovely blog so for me A. Thanks so much for all of your wonderful ideas that you share with us - I love your blog!

SarahJarnagin said...

I'd love B! I have been meaning to make a chalkboard for my kitchen!

Regina said...

Custom burlap monogram for me!! This is so fun, thanks a lot!

Kara Powers said...

What a generous give-a-way! I would choose option A!

Crafty Niche said...

Great prizes! I would love prize A the burlap monogram.

Krissa said...

I love B!!! Awesome!!!

Kimberly said...

I would love the chalkboard in that same green! Prize B
Thanks for all your inspiring posts!


Lisa said...

I would pick A, I love the monogram!

Tricia G said...

I've already used your tutorial for the mossy balls so I'm going with C, the small chalkboard! Love your ideas, keep up the good work!

Bethany said...

Thanks for all your wonderful inspiration! I just recently found your blog and am SO glad I did!

I would love to win A. Crossing my fingers!

Vashti said...

C the monogram and the family plaques. Awesome!

Ginny said...

I would love the custom chalkboard! The trim could be red or apple green. I love all your creations!


Unknown said...

ooh love them all but I would choose Prize C and choose the custom made name plaque and the small chalkboard. thanks!

The Parker Family said...

Love all your ideas. I love chalkboards, so I choose B.

Taina said...

I would definately LOVE option B! Thanks for sharing your talents with us!!

Melissa said...

Love this post!!
I would choose option C...

small chalk board and a monogram plaque.

Thank you for all your wonderful ideas!

Meredith said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! I pick A...although they are ALL great prizes! Can't wait to see who the winner is and what prize they picked!

Robin Johnson said...

I love option B, with red trim.

What a great idea. Thanks

Erin said...

I love option A with a black frame!

hotandcrafty said...

I would love choice B. Also, I am starting my own blog soon. I would love for you to stop by.

Sonnie said...

So generous!! I would choose Choice C with the moss balls and the monogram.
Take Care - Sonnie

Charlene said...

I am so inspired by all of your ideas. I love them all, but my absolute favorite is option A. My initial is O. Thanks for sharing your creative talents...

Liz said...

I would love Prize A with a big beautiful "B" on it for our family.

Tammy @ said...

What a great giveaway! I am wishing for A!!! Thank you for all of your inspiring ideas!

Katie said...

I love option C so that I can get a monogram plaque and a family name plaque! Love them! Pick Me!!

pammiejo said...

I choose the custom made burlap initial! You are so creative! PAM

Nora said...

They are all amazing, option A is my favorite :)

Alissa said...

I love C! I would like the moss balls and the monogram plaque!

Kasey said...

What a tough decision! I would love prize A.

Anonymous said...

So hard to choose. I would like prize "B". I have 2 kids that would absolutley love it. Thanks.

Bekah said...

I would be really really happy if I won prize A, The Burlap Monogram--with an M!!!

Deidre said...

I love C - the family name plaque!

Chasity said...

Wow what wonderful prizes you have. I've been reading your blog for a little while now and do love it.

I choose option A. I think it's really cool and unique.

Haley said...

I LOVE the chalkboard! Soooo Cute. I would choose a robins egg blue for the trimming!

. said...

I would take A. I love it all. Denise

Amy said...

I would love the chalkboard- Love your blog.

To The Moon and Back said...

I LOVE option A, burlap monogram. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

Heather Anne said...

I can't get over the number of comments! What a fun give away to celebrate your blog anniversary! I think I'd choose A because there is nothing sweeter than burlap and a monogram!

Bev said...

My creative juices have left me you see; so in order to rekindle, I pick letter B!

Susan said...

Congrats on your anniversary. You have posted such inspiring ideas. I want all 3 options but if I had to choose it would be C : Family name plaque and initial plaque.
Keep the great ideas coming!

The Griffins said...

Prize C for me! I want the moss balls and the small chalkboard!

Mimi Sue said...

All of them are so great. How could one choose? Mimi

Ashley said...

Uhm.....I choose Option A! That is a hard choice though!! Great prizes!

Jennifer said...

All of the gifts are gorgeous! I would choose option C - the monogram, and the family and name plaque. Love your blog!

meli said...

I would love, love, love to win choice A! Thank you for sharing your ideas with us!

Kate said...

What a generous gift Joy! I would have to say...letter B! I love the chalkboard.

Kurstin said...

I would choose!!!!!!! B I love the chalk board! it matches my kitchen perfect! Spring colors are the best!

have fun giving away!

Team Hanni said...

You are adorable! Your ideas are just beautiful! Soooooo glad I came across your blog. Thank you for all of your tutorials! You are just fabulous!

I LOVE the chalkboard with the apple paint. I want to paint something with apple paint now so bad.....

Great giveaway - Congrats on 1 year and a fabulous blog!

Anonymous said...

I love the family name plaque! Count me in - love your blog.

Brittany @ The Rollins World said...

I pick A! Love it!

Bonnie said...

Oh...I'd have to go with B. I have been wanting to make myself a chalkboard but I have to face reality - I'll probably never get around to it. I'd love it framed in a green...leafy, sage... I'm dreaming now. :)

Lori said...

I pick C and thank you for such an inspiring blog.

Clark Family said...

Burlap sack with my favorite letter on it? What is option "A"!?! I choose this one. It is one of my favorites. Joy, I absolutely adore your blog. You are simply creative. I only hope to create a home as warm as yours. Happy Blog Anniversary!

BTW- My favorite letter is "C"!
In Donkey's repeated words from the fabulous movie Shrek..."Pick me, pick me, Pick me!"

Amy J said...

This is way too generous of you! Tough tough choices! I love the chalkboard though, so I choose B! If... I mean WHEN I win, I'd want a cream/antique white finish for the frame.

Thanks for giving everyone the chance to win some of these awesome goodies!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Wow - thank so much! I would choose B! Wish me luck

The Coburn's said...

Your blog is amazing! I would choose option C the amll chalk board and the letter plaque.

Shannon said...

How fun!!! I would love option A.

Bernie said...

I love the family name in option c! You do the cutest stuff!!

Whitaker Family said...

Oh I love your creativity!
I would choose A with a 'w'!

Lady Dorothy said...

Prize A, please. Black frame. How fun to choose!

Thanks for coming by my blog yesterday, too. Both my daughter and I have learned so much from you and been so inspired! Thank you!

Jessie said...

Oh, pick me!!! I love the chalkboard! Option B

bandanachick said...

Wow, I love them all! So hard to choose, but I guess I would choose option C...the family name plaque and the monogram, I'm thinking.
I love your blog, keep up the great work!

Maddy said...

You are so nice to do this! Option C!

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