I love the feeling of being home! I truly enjoy being surrounded by the people I love and the things that make me happy. I am passionate about finding joy in my home---which for me has a double meaning. My home is where I find comfort and discover who I am by using my talents and abilities.
I'm an avid thrift store shopper and collector. I love to create, re-purpose, design, re-invent and build all sorts of things.
I am passionate about helping others find the joy in their homes that I do in mine. And I believe that it doesn't take a lot of cash to do it.
"The more you trust and rely upon the Spirit, the greater your capacity to create." ---Dieter F. Uchtdorf
You're welcome to copy my ideas.
If one of my ideas has inspired you, I'd love for you to leave me a note so I can enjoy seeing your project.
But please don't copy my photos without first asking my permission.
I am elbow deep in a storage overhaul. Our office/computer room was originally a bedroom. It had a closet with one shelf and a rod---not the ideal set-up for storing office and craft supplies. Up until last week we used this make-shift system of metal shelves and plastic bins (currently sitting in the hall). The shelves are so far apart that we (okay, I) would pile things one on top of another. It was hazardous to come near the closet, let alone open the doors and search for something. You think I'm kidding? When I asked one son to clean the room, he backed a chair up to the closet in effort to barricade anyone from getting close to opening the doors. Finally I'd had enough and this closet moved to priority status on the to-do list. Here's what it looks like now.I've been organizing the big supplies using my grocery boxes.For the little things, I've decided to nix the plastic bins and use some of the treasures I've gathered while thrifting. My office tags look pretty in this wire basket.The school teacher in me HAD to buy this this vintage school tote when I saw it. Now my scissors look so pretty and organized. My husband rolled his eyes when I brought home this restaurant condiment tray. But, it's perfect for organizing all those little office supplies.I still have some work to do, but it's a lot more fun to organize with my thrift store treasures.
Joy, I have to laugh because if you husband is anything like mine he probably rolls his eyes at a LOT of the things you bring home.
Your storage overhaul is coming along quite nicely. That little wire basket, the school tote and the condiment tray are PERFECT for your supplies and the plus is that they look GREAT also!
I love it! I have a big closet downstairs for my crafts and I am trying to replace the plastic bins with other fun pieces. (My kids still can't believe I am spray painting those metal coffee tins white, but they are great storage containers!)
What a wonderful feeling a clean and organized closet is!! The scissors tote is great. My husband was going on and on about the many many pairs of scissors I own- I think he said something like, "You can only use one at a time!" He's obviously in the dark when it comes to scissors, lol!! I'm going to show him your tote :)
I am ready to go get some botox--because I remember that VINTAGE scissor holder from my elementary school! Has it come to this? I am considered, VINTAGE? Oh, the tears!!
Deep breath...
Love the wire basket with office tags. You can make anything look cool.
Tackling a scary closet monster is always a good thing - this week my front hall closet is on the search and destroy list! Of course, once I actually open the door, they may need to send in a search party for me! Great job on the shelves - and the 'blank; space - what tall item will go there?
Ooo...I love the little scissors holder. It's just great. My son would never lose his scissors for sure with one of these. He loves to put things places. Usually where they don't belong. :o)
Ok...you have inspired me...I have a cart almost exactly like that in your header and it's just old brown wood...I may paint that sucker...thank you! sandy toe
I have loved reading your blog since the start, yet never comment. You always give me such great ideas for my home and I just wanted to let you know. Thank you for taking the time with your blgo to share your ideas!
Your blog is very inspiring. I am encouraged once again to "get to it" and organize that mess of a craft area. I would say room but the whole room cannot be dedicated to crafting. I am so with you right now, learning to use what I have on hand to decorate my home. I even re-treated a my curtains in my family room.
I love the wire basket! Oh and the scissors tote.
Joy, I have to laugh because if you husband is anything like mine he probably rolls his eyes at a LOT of the things you bring home.
Your storage overhaul is coming along quite nicely. That little wire basket, the school tote and the condiment tray are PERFECT for your supplies and the plus is that they look GREAT also!
OK I know I need to proofread before I push publish and that would be your husband not you husband.
I would love your wire racks!!
I have lots of ideas for them.
I love it! I have a big closet downstairs for my crafts and I am trying to replace the plastic bins with other fun pieces. (My kids still can't believe I am spray painting those metal coffee tins white, but they are great storage containers!)
What a wonderful feeling a clean and organized closet is!! The scissors tote is great. My husband was going on and on about the many many pairs of scissors I own- I think he said something like, "You can only use one at a time!" He's obviously in the dark when it comes to scissors, lol!! I'm going to show him your tote :)
Have a Happy Day!!
Organized closets - they make me breathe easier and always put a smile on my face.
am not a teacher, but I would have had to get that scissor organizer too!
Hey, Teach!
I am ready to go get some botox--because I remember that VINTAGE scissor holder from my elementary school! Has it come to this? I am considered, VINTAGE? Oh, the tears!!
Deep breath...
Love the wire basket with office tags. You can make anything look cool.
Tackling a scary closet monster is always a good thing - this week my front hall closet is on the search and destroy list! Of course, once I actually open the door, they may need to send in a search party for me! Great job on the shelves - and the 'blank; space - what tall item will go there?
I love anything organization-as a former teacher, I love the scissor thingy too!!
I love the vintage school tote. What a great organizational item.
Ooo...I love the little scissors holder. It's just great. My son would never lose his scissors for sure with one of these. He loves to put things places. Usually where they don't belong. :o)
My best, Lynn
Ok...you have inspired me...I have a cart almost exactly like that in your header and it's just old brown wood...I may paint that sucker...thank you!
sandy toe
Joy, it's looking great. I have some serious organizing to do, as well.
looks like fun - you'll have to show us the finished product!!
I have loved reading your blog since the start, yet never comment. You always give me such great ideas for my home and I just wanted to let you know. Thank you for taking the time with your blgo to share your ideas!
Your blog is very inspiring. I am encouraged once again to "get to it" and organize that mess of a craft area. I would say room but the whole room cannot be dedicated to crafting. I am so with you right now, learning to use what I have on hand to decorate my home. I even re-treated a my curtains in my family room.
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