Monday, March 23, 2009

Toting A Design

Look at the beauty that
I've been enjoying all weekend!

A local grocery store sells these wonderful cardboard totes. It's their effort to reduce the use of plastic grocery bags. When I saw them I knew they would be coming home with me. I planned to use them for something other than my groceries. I thought they would make fabulous organizing/storage containers. I've always loved a good cardboard box! There was only one problem, how to hide the store's logo.A little bit of pretty wrapping paper and some spray adhesive and now they look like a designer tote with a price tag of less than $1.50 each!
I must tell you a funny, yet humbling story. After taking the picture of this stack of totes, I left them sitting in my living room. You've read my blog so you have a good idea of what my living room looks like. I have layers of decorations! Yesterday my son had some friends from Russia come to visit. They sat there in a room filled with totes stacked neatly and collections and displays galore. After a while one of them asked my son, "Do you live in a store?" He chuckled and said, "No, my mom just likes to collect a lot of stuff."
Needless to say, I took time to appreciate and reflect upon my abundance, of not just decorations, but of home, freedom, and blessings.


Tiffany said...

I can see why you like these. I can think of tons of uses!

"Blossom" said...

So smart. What a great idea.

AndreaLeigh said...

I love the greenery! What is it?

Joy said...

Those are the Forsythia branches I cut last week and forced into blooming. Aren't they gorgeous?!?!

Unknown said...

Love the totes, make me wish there was a store here that sold them!

Ashley said...

Those are great for storage! So pretty too.

There are times when I go to other peoples homes (or blogs!)and feel like mine is inferior. Then I visit someone who is really struggling and realized I am so blessed. I have nothing to complain about.

Make it a great day!

Amber M. said...

Functional and beautiful...the perfect combination!!

Thanks for sharing your tender, grateful thoughts, also. We can always use a reminder of our blessings.

Tammy @ said...

Joy, I have admired your blog for some time, your living room looks wonderful!

Love the camoflage I have to get those boxes, hope our store has them!

Julie said...

Joy I love these totes they turned out great

Unknown said...

Oh, that is so cute what your son's friend said!

For the longest time my home felt so bare because I didn't know where to start. You have given me so much inspiration and my house is starting to look more like a home.

Thank you, Joy!


Sweet Caroline said...

I am beginning to think you would find a trashcan and make it fabulous. You have an eye that it very inspiring and refreshing.

Funny story about your "store.." Oh, if only boys understood! :)

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

I see why you like these so much. I think of lots of ways to use them too! Ahhh, the toys they could hold. (lol)
Enjoy your day and enjoy your "
"store"..tee hee.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

What a great idea for the totes!!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Your forsythias are gorgeous - lucky you!

bj said...

Oh, are such a treasure..I just love your sweet spirit...
Now, I am on my way to see if MY groc. store has any boxes like these. I love that you, too, can see the fun and beauty of a cardboard box. Sometimes, my hubby shakes his head at some of the things I just love....:O)

Nikki Cogg said...

Hi Joy! I LOVE home decor and thrift shopping as well, you have so many great ideas. You're such a great inspiration to a new blogger/home decor lover :)

Nancy Wyatt said...

Great job on the boxes and nothing wrong with living in a place that one could shop in, hehe. With that said when can I stop by for a browse? Hugs from Conroe TX!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

LOve th boxes! Great idea!
And the story...funny!

Valarie Lea said...

Love those boxes! I think I have some of that greenery in my MIL front yard, I may have go do some landscaping over there. :)

Gayle said...

Some people just don't get it - and I can certainly understand why someone from Russia would be puzzled, but that story gave me a good laugh!

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

That is a funny story and a good reminder that we are blessed!

Karyn said...

I'm totally LOL at your story. I love it!

P.S. Great boxes too ;)

Lady Dorothy said...

Great story! I love it!

You know, I saw those boxes in the store. It didn't dawn on me that they were for groceries! LOL

Anonymous said...

lol That's so cute that they said that to your son.

Misti of Studio M Designs said...

I am so impressed with your totes, but even MORE impressed with the forced forsythia! Had I known about this we would have had blooming forsythia all over this house! I could sneak out at dark and swipe my neighbor's... I do love your blog, obviously you are awesome, there are a gazillion followers here! My husband has always liked the old suitcases and this photo has now given me a reason to collect them. I love the stack!

Mimi Sue said...

Cute totes. You always think of the cutest things. Mimi

Wendy said...

I love that simple idea!! And isn't it nice to have our blessings put in perspective sometimes?

Katie said...

I could see that same story happing here. That is to cute.

Sherrie said...

I keep coming back to your blog the last few days I LOVE what you did with a few branches from your tree. It so .....stunning!! I actually do come to your blog daily just to see what you have been up to. Thanks for the inspiration.

Melissa said...

Laughing at the comment about the store~too funny! I just love this idea, and you're making me miss Albertsons more than ever now..this just gives whole new meaning to thinking outside of the box~ha, ha!

Kurstin said...

i absolutely love what those twigs did over time! they are beautiful!! great job!!

deborah said...

WOW, I hope our grocery store switches to those. They are so awesome!! Can you find out where they get them???

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