I've shared bits and pieces of my family room.
You've seen the fireplace.
The entertainment center that we built.
There's a few walls of my collections.
The thrifted side table that I painted.
And the door sofa table that we built.
But there is one piece of furniture that I try to avoid showing.
It's my well worn, well loved, often napped on sofa.You've seen the fireplace.

The beast is one reason that I don't love this room.
Sure I could replace beast with this beauty.

Their bad habits have caused the death of three couches. Fortunately, for our pocket book, two of the three came from the thrift store in like-new condition. But after the harsh treatment they received in our home no thrift store would take them ever again.
I know that it will be easier to search for another gently used sofa to replace the beast than it would be to change my family's habits. But I also realize that I let my feelings toward the beast take over how I feel about the entire room. Even to the point of not finishing other projects, like hanging the drop-cloth window treatments I've had for almost two years on this 10 foot wide window.

What about you? Do you have a beast that's preventing you from loving a room in your home? Are there other improvements you could make to help tame the beast? Would setting a deadline help? Why don't we form a club, we could call ourselves the Blogging Beast Bashers (it's not just a motivating title but a tongue twister as well). Come, join me and tackle your home's beast!
Oh no -- keep the beast! Learn to love the beast! I think it's easier to learn to accept the beast than it would be to change and/or alieniate (sp??) your wonderful hubby and little kiddies. Good sofas are much easier to find than good husbands!
PS -- And find a good throw to disguise the beast when you must!!
Love that Key wall!!
pop on over for my very first giveaway!
I love this room ~ beast and all! I'm freshening up my living room and while my sofa is in great shape {we hardly use the room, although it is a great nap sofa}, it is going to be my beast because it has a large floral pattern. I'm itching to get my white slipcover done for it, and I guess I should get a price before thinking it will be too much to do right now.
oh every home has a beast. my whole room is a beast. it's my changing table (bed) my two year olds trampoline (bed) our computer room, tv room, laundry folding area, and catch all. i long for a magazine bedroom. on an exciting note we just finished our basement where tv viewing, the computer and other things will be moved down there. i'm looking forward to a bedroom makeover in 2010 for sure. maybe get the hubs a nice recliner for lounging. :) BUT mostly it makes me happy that you (one of my favorite home decor bloggers) has a beastly spot in their house.
Love all of your treasures and the lived in pics a few posts ago gave me a little hope that if you can have that around, then all is good with the world!! Your 'Beast' sure looks comfy!!!
I have recently embraced the unwanted in my living room too. It has helped tremendously! Just think how loved and well used your sofa is, just as it is supposed to be! Houses/rooms are to live in and sofas to sit on, not to be untouched beauties.
Ok I'm stopping now before the preacher in me totally wins LOL.
Love your house and I would totally go for a paint job, makes the whole house feel new.
i love your "beast". it beats the futon i'm currently sitting on where i can feel the bars under my...well...you get the point! =)
My husband will NEVER buy a GOOD sofa...he buys cheapos...like $300.00 and works to kill it. He says that way when it is shot in 3 or 4 years...we just throw it out and get another. So I can relate. Mine is not yet a beast...more like a little rough edge dragon....but it is growning up every day!!!
It honestly doesn't look that bad! But I know, it is yours and you have to look at it everyday. I have a wingback chair from the thrift store that I recovered myself and now I just hate the fabric!!! It is in my great room and I look at it everyday and wish I could replace it. I refuse to ever recover it again!
So pretty!
sandy toe
I dont' think the sofa is that bad. Why not make slip covers out of the same neutral drop coth fabric. Wash beforehand and all you have to do is thrugh them in the washer.Add some oversized pillows and there you go! Love your house and love you for sharing it all!
Ahhhh! Yes! I have a beast too. Well, actually, I have lots of beasts in my home right now. You're right. Something needs to be done about. Thanks you for the motivation!
I'm back. You are going to be sick of me by the time this week is over! I have awarded you the Kreativ Blogger award {just posted on my blog}.
Love this post! I have had many beast sofa's in the past. Hey I am doing my first giveaway some come on over and check it out.
My Beast is my mantle/wall where the fireplace is....I am serious it makes me C-R-A-Z-Y! I have built houses that were easier to decorate than this space....I have tried so many things! It beats me every time...I stare at it every day, search blogs, and magazine...and NOTHING...Ahhhhh! I need help!
I have a beast....well actually 2 of them...We have this HUGE HEAVY DARK leather couch and club chair. HUGE. GINORMOUS. They make my living room in our new cottage so DARK.... I want lovely slipcovered light sweet dainty pottery barnish magazine inspired totally not practical furniture. Have I mentioned that I have 2 stinky teenage boys and 2 little girl toddlers??? Leather is practical, but I'm hating on it. Can I be vice prez of the club?? :)
What a beautiful room Joy!
~Ah! The "beast" is just well loved by all. :)
wow, that door sofa table is just genius, love your blog and the wonderful things you do, I will sure be back, if I am not a follower I will now be...come visit
I think we ALL have a 'beast'! I've been working on the ones around MY house too. I finally have my kitchen 'beast' tamed with a new table, paint and such. The cabinets in there are STILL my 'beast'. Too dark. I have a 'beast' of a sofa/loveseat too. Not what I want, but will do for now. I decided to change up some colors in the living room to 'help' the tame the beast a tad! Thanks for being REAL!
Love this post! I'm sure we all have several "beasts" in our homes. I know for sure I do! And the beasts do the same to me - keep me from having the energy to improve the beast's surroundings! LOL
I have too many beasts and their dwellings to list in this comment box! But, you've inspired me a bit to at least tackle one or two of them!
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