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They offer an incredible variety of custom wall letters, vinyl words and wall quotes, family stickers, wall art, graphic design and more. I'm warning you right now, they offer so many wonderful designs that you'll have a hard time picking just one or two! I know because they let me pick two designs to give away and it was a very hard choice!
I picked this wonderful headboard design for myself. I have a fun idea for it that I'll have to show you in a later post.
You know how I love a great monogram design! Yep, I love monograms so much that I picked this one to give away to one lucky winner!
Can't you just imagine this beauty above your bed! Or how about in the entry or living room of your home surrounded by photos of your family.
I really wanted this design for my laundry room but I don't have the wall space for it.
Hopefully you do though because we're giving it away!
And if that isn't enough, Belvedere Designs is also letting me give away a gift certificate. The winner of this will be able to pick any item, up to $50 in value, from their site! Ooohhhh so many choices! And they've even added 18 new colors like olive, lipstick, buttercream, celdon, and bubblegum, to name just a few.
Belvedere even has a blog where you can see lots of new ideas. And they have a monthly drawing for a $50 gift certificate from their customer-submitted photos.
I'm sure that you're anxious to enter this giveaway! Here's all you need to do: leave me a comment telling me which of the three choices (monogram, laundry sign, gift certificate) you would love to win. If you want another entry then post about this giveaway on your blog, twitter or facebook. And for a third chance to win, leave a favorite quote that you'd love to see Belvedere Designs make---one that they don't already offer (this might be tough because they offer a ton of great quotes already).
This giveaway will be open until Saturday at midnight (MST) I'll anounce the three lucky winners next Monday. GOOD LUCK!
1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»Oooh pick me!!! You could close comments now and I'd have a GREAT chance of winning. ;)
Love your "Beast bashing" post!
My laundry room is pathetic, so I wouldn't want to put anything that cute in there! But I would <3 the monogram or the gift certificate. How cool would that be?!!
i would love the gift certificate! we have a new house that needs some decorating!
The gift certificate would be great, but I would love the monogram as well! Tough call!
I love the monograms. They are all nice!
So hard to decide - I love them all! But really would love the monogram!
That laundry sign would be fun!
I really like the laundry room one but, my laundry rm. is so tiny that no one would see it...so I would love the gift certificate!!!
I would love the laundry quote. I have an awful pile right now, and if the room was cute; it might inspire me to spend more time in it!
A gift cert. would be awesome but the monogram would look great in our dining room.
I'd have to go with the gift certificate because I can't commit to the other two designs-- commitment issues. Although they are both wonderful!
I'd have to go with the gift certificate because I can't commit to the other two designs-- commitment issues. Although they are both wonderful!
wow! i would love to win a gift certificate. I love the saying, "The Laundry Room, Loads and Load of Fun" and also "Let him sleep for when he wakes he will move mountains"- Napoleon for my little boy's room!
Here's a quote I'll be needing soon---
Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy. Ron Paul
I would love the monogram. It would be great in my entry.
One of my favorite quotes is:
"There is no such thing as strangers, only friends we haven't met."
My mom had that on a wall tile in the kitchen we I was little and it has always stuck with me.
So many choices. I'd have to go with the gift certificate so I could think it through! Monograms are cool too. Fun giveaway!
I would go with any of those, but I think the gift certificate would be my first choice. :)
I shared on my facebook!
Oh, oh, I love it! I would chose the gift certificate because I painted a monogram on my wall. I'm off to post this on my facebook, so enter me twice!
I'd love a gift certificate.
I think the laundry room sign is adorable and would love to win it!
I would like the gift certificate! I need to redo my Kids' names on their bedroom walls since we moved!
A quote I'd like to see from Harold B. Lee: "Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you, but on what happens inside of you."
I would love the gift certificate.
monogram for SURE!!!! :)
Definitely the monogram. I've actually been looking for one to go above my headboard. This would be awesome!
The first monogram would look lovely above my bed!
As a new bride, I'm still getting used to my married name. The "G" monogram is perfect and just what I need to christen my new last name. How fun!
That would be cool to win!
Love love love the monogram!!!
angie128 at comcast dot net
The monogram would go perfectly above our front door~
Thanks for such a great blog!
I sooo have to have the laundry one! LOVE IT
I'd love to win that adorable monogram!!!
And I tweeted about the giveaway here...
I'm all about some gift certificates! That way I could do some shopping. :)
I love wall words - so much fun and so easy to put up! Instant loveliness! Thanks for entering me too!
Ah hard choice between the monogram and the gc!! They have soo many cute things!
I think I'd go with the gc so I could get x-mas presents!
I don't think they have the quote "diamonds are a girls best friend"
I have that in my daughters room and people love it!
i would love the gift certificate. I have some spots that these would be perfect for!
I'd love the gift certificate, although it would be hard to make a choice on what to use it for - they have SO many cool things on their website!
Goodness! I love all the choices. But I will not be greedy...I would love to win the monogram. Thanks for the chance!
Oh how I love monograms. PLEASE pick me.
I'd love a gift certificate. So many choices, so little time. Can't wait to see what you're going to do with the headboard design.
I'd love a gift certificate. So many choices, so little time. Can't wait to see what you're going to do with the headboard design.
I've just recently gotten into wall decals, and I LOVE the one I have right now, there WILL be more so I'd love the gift certificate.
I love the monograms or the gift certificate!!! thanks for sharing!
some of my favorite quotes right now are about reading!
There is more treasure in books than
in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island.
~ Walt Disney ~
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends;
they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors,
and the most patient of teachers."
~ Charles W. Eliot ~
To read is to empower
To empower is to write
To write is to influence
To Influence is to change
To change is to live.
~ Jane Evershed ~
More than a Tea Party
Reading makes immigrants of us all.
It takes us away from home, but more important,
it finds homes for us everywhere.
~ Hazel Rochman ~
The more that you read,
the more things you will know.
The more that you learn,
the more places you'll go.
~ Dr. Seuss ~
I would love the laundry room sign. They are all great.
I think the laundry sign is super cute. Of course, I'd take any of them.
I would love the gift certificate! I browsed the site and found some things I would love to put in my home.
For a second entry, here's is a quote that I didn't see on the site.
"Mothers of boys work from son up 'til son down"
As a mother of all boys, I love this quote.
I would love to have the gift certificate! Thank you for offering this give away.
I love it all but a gift certificate would be my first choice!
Wow they are all wonderful, but since my laundry room is just cinder block I would have to go with the monogram.
Oh, I think I would either pick the monogram or the gift certificate. The gift certificate because I would love to have the quote: "When shall we live if not now?"
I love it!! Would really like to win this one!
posted on FB.
I'd love to win the gift certificate, but I also like the laundry sign and would think of a way to use the monogram!
Sometimes we strive so hard for perfection that we forget that imperfection is happiness -Karen Nave
The monograms are great!
pick me pick me.
OOO I would love the Laundry sign!! So darling!! The monogram is stinking cute too!
Ooooh! I would love the monogram, I am crazy about monograms! Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs, Cindy S.
Pick me please... I have very little decorations due to I have a fear of decorations.
please pick me.. i have very little decorations due to i have fear of decorating
I would love the monogram!! I am a bit obsessed with them. :)
Ya Hoo! I'm excited!
Count me in for this one!!!
Love the monogram!
I have been searching for something to go over my entryway door. I passed on a sign recently that said 'It's A Wonderful Life'. Now I know why! I need the 'C' to welcome people to our home:c)
gift certificate please
I love the monogram or a gift certificate! Can't wait to check out their blog.
I love the Laundry sign!
I. am. drooling. I tried to do a burlap monogram table runner this weekend, but it's not as fabulous as those monograms. I have the perfect place for a lovely "C".
Hi Joy; Love the Monograms.what fun it would be to play with them and find that perfect spot.. have a great week.
I would love the gift certificate - we are moving soon and want to redecorate!
I am loving monograms and vinyl lately - I really like the first one!
I would like the gift certificate! thanks for a great giveaway
oh, i'd love the gift certificate! i'm going to be re-doing my daughters' room and i know i could find something darling!
I would love the gift certificate!!! How Fun!
I love them all and I agree the monogram above our bed would look great.
I love monograms and quotes. I have hand painted many quotes on my walls over the years before vinyl was popular.
Here is the quote that is painted around my family room ceiling right now:
"For by wisdom a house is built, with strength and understanding it is finished. My knowledge the rooms are filled with joy and peace eternally. Proverbs 24:3-4 (New Christian version)
I also have a handmade checker board game that reads:
"As the deer panteth for water, so my soul longeth after thee Oh, God." It's from the Old Testament...I'd have to look up chapter and verse.
I collect good guotes and write them in the back of my journals. I incorporate them in quilts, interior design, and write them on cards for inspiration. (I even calligraphied quotes on my bathroom wall so you could study them while you visited the facility. LOL It was pretty fun. My family was sad when I painted over it. What can I say...I like change.)
I would take the gift card but would probably end up buying a monogram with it. It would look great over my bed.
L-O-V-E the monogram...so many places to put it...living room, bedroom, hallway, kitchen...my mind is racing! If I had to choose one of my own favorite quotes it might be "with a friend you can be your true self".
I would LOVE a monogram to put in my master bedroom! My master bedroom is in dire need of some decorating and this would be a great start!
The gift certificate would be great! I love decorating with vinyl.
Oh wow! Choices. I really like the laundry quote BUT we are due to have our baby in 7 weeks and have yet to decorate his room. So the GC would come in handy! :~)
I have a new home with bare walls...so I'd love the gift certificate. Love the "there's no place like home" quote.
I would love the gift certificate! There are sooo many super awesome things over there!
My favorite quote, and one that I have painted on the walls before, that I didn't see on their site is
"Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers"
Hi, Thanks for the giveaway. I would have to go for the gift certificate at this time because I'm moving soon. I will post about this on my blog also. I have a qoute that I have always liked..
'If you cahnge the way you look at things, the things you look at cahnge."
I love all their stuff..and their blog is great also..
This is always the hardest part of these giveaways...picking just one. I guess I would pick the gift certificate. Then I could whatever my little heart desired. However, I adore both the monogram and the laundry sign and have the perfect spaces for each of those as well.
Ooo! I'd love the monogram. VERY cool!
AWESOME giveaway!!I would LOVE the monogram...I would put it abover our mantel in the living room!!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Would LOVE the laundry sign...trying to revamp my laundry room right now.
My favorite quote is "...touch others deeply, instead of merely being remembered pleasantly." Neal A. Maxwell
I'm lovin' the Laundry sign!
I would take any of them! I don't have any monograms, but I did see a cute saying for a bedroom. So maybe the gift certificate?
Big fan of Belvedere Designs already! Please sign me up for the gift certificate.
I like the monogram
I'd love to win the gift certificate! What fun!
I love the monogram!! Or the gift certificate would be awesome!!
Great giveaway.
I would LOVE the monogram....I am looking for something to put above my headboard anyway!!!
I'm making over my laundry room and would LOVE the "The Laundry Room, Loads of Fun"
I'd go for the monogram :)
yah! I've been looking for a site to do big vinyl lettering for me. Thanks for the info. Hope to win!
I would love any of them!!! I told Belvedre designs to make some sayings to go above drinking fountains. I would love to have the gift certificate so I could do this! Thanks!
I love this- the monogram is great but I would halve to say the gift certificate! Great giveaway!
I'd pick the gift certificate!
Chance favors the prepared mind.
I hope I win! I like the Monagram one.
Love it all- I need the GC to fully shop her store!
Oh, I would love a gift certificate to pick out something for my baby's room that I get to decorate soon.
I would love to get the gift certificate! I do love the laundry room quote, but I don't have a real laundry room. Thanks for the chance to win!
Ooooh, love love the monogram idea! Please enter me too!!
I would love the laundry room sign.
When I had trouble keeping our master bedroom clean, I had a friend make me a beautiful flower bouquet for my bedside table. It encourages me to keep up on my room.
I think putting a cute sign up in my laundry room might encourage me to keep up on the clothes.
I would like toe gift certificate. It would be hard to choose, but I would like to try!
I think the saying ' Mirror, Mirror on the wall...' would be cute to put around a little girls mirror.
I've been looking for something to go in my laundry room. This would be perfect!
The laundry room for sure.
I love the monogram but the gift certiricate is wonderful...thanks for sharing....thank Pat H
Oh wow, I would LOVE the gift certificate!!!
Oooo, I wanna a monogram. Please.
Gift certificate... I love the library quote.
so much love.
Monogram please! Love it! I love vinyl wall decorations...
I love them all!! Do I REALLY have to decide? Guess the monogram and I need a G too! Fun!
i love, love, love that monogram! i would most definitely pick that one!!!
Pick me! I would love the monogram or the gift certificate
I would probably pick one of the monograms. Love them!
I would love the monogram to put in my office right above 2 big display boards that I have of my family, kids artwork, etc. It would look great!
I'd love the gift certificate! Fun!
I like the quote: "He hath made everything beautiful IN HIS TIME." Ecc 3:11
I didn't find that on their site!
I would love the gift certificate or the laundry sign. Hope I win.
Monogram....too cute
I would love the monogram or GC. The designs are so lovely!
I just put a monogram up, so the gift cert would be perfect! Great giveaway...thanks!
It's a hard choice, but I'd choose the monogram!
found you from Thrifty Decor Chick. . and I would love to win the gift certificate because I want some vinyl birds to put on top of mu window sills, and on top of my curtain rods. . to add a little whimsy here and there.
Thanks for offering a great giveaway.
Just what I was looking for! Hope I win. Thanks for posting.
Just what i was looking for. Hope I win. Thanks for the great post.
Just what i was looking for. Hope I win. Thanks for the great post.
Would you put me down for the gift cert. I love your blog. So many lovely things to look at. Thanks
I'd love to be entered in the drawing for a fabulous monogram, Thank You!
Great giveaway! I would love to have the monogram, please.
I would like to see them add the quote "There is no testimony without the test". I don't think they have that one. Thnaks again.
It's so hard to choose between all those. I'd love either one. :) I am so happy to hear about this company, I'm loving all they have to offer!
My new idea for a quote is "always and forever, no matter what". It's what my husband and I say to each other and I have never see it anywhere. Hope I win!
How fun! I would love a monogram. The toughest choice would be where to put it...
I'd love to win the monogram! Beautiful products!
My suggestion for a new vinyl:
"Been there, wrecked that!"
(courtesy my 11 year old dirt-biking, bmx jumping, hosptial-going son!)
I guess I'd want the gift certificate b/c I REALLY like the "bon appetite" with the scrolly things for over my stove...but I'd be happy with either of the vinyls you chose, they are so fun!
I think the gift certificate would be great because I just don't think I could decide which one right away, they are all so great!
I tried to leave a message the other day, but no luck. I would definately pic the monogram...what a sweet giveaway.
And what fun to be able to help your friend with her decorating the easy way!
Hope the rest of your week is great!
Oooh I would just love the laundry room one. I actually got some inspiration from some ones blog yesterday on fixing up your laundry room.
Looking at that great laundry sign on my wall may keep me in there to do some laundry...
Love the headboard monogram- so beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to be entered - my laundry room could use some love!
I'd love a gift certificate!
So pretty! I've been looking at monograms for above our bed for quite some time. I'd love the gift certificate! :) yay!
i posted this on my blog :)
I am probably the ONLY person in the U.S. that doesn't have a vinyl saying on my walls. I've always like them, but wasn't sure if it would work on my plastered walls.
I love the "G" monogram myself. Goes w/my last name as well!
love the laundry room one!
I would love to win :-)
Lets hope!
My quote would probably something in Italian, like Benvenuti amici! Welcome friends or Casa mia e' casa tua. My home is your home. :)
I would like any of the three, but the gift certificate gives me more options
Brittany Nair
Ooh, ooh! I would LOVE the monogram or the gift cert!
I would love the gift certificate so I could put my daughter's name up in her room!
I would love the gift certificate--but they are all great!
I LOVE your blog, as I am a fellow lover of the dollar store. You come up with the cutest arrangements!
I would love to win the gift certificate so I could get something cute for my babys room!
I would love the gift certificate! Thanks so much!
I love your blog so much!!
Monogram "headboard" design just like it is, the G is perfect! I can see it now, right above that dead space above my front door. If you pick me, I'll even send in a picture of it! lol
I would love the monogram or the gift certificate, however I will say gift certificate because my sister is expecting her first baby and I would give it to her to get something for the baby's room!!!
My laundry room would just LOVE to be spruced up a bit!
I would love the gift certificate. I have been wanting to get a wall design, so this would be perfect!! :)
I heart monograms. Blessings!
I would like the gift certificate. Another scripture I would like to see is "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD" Deut. 6:4.
i would LOVE the laundry one. what a great way to make what can be such a boring room something fun and cute!
i would love to win the gift certificate... the walls in my house are needing some love
Liz Hankins
Ok LOVE THIS! I have been looking for jussst the right quotes for my empty, just moved in, newlywed walls!
I would love the gift certificate!
Also... a great quote I love is "Read in order to live -Gustave Flaubert"
I would love to win anything. Sooo Cute!!
I'd love win the gift certificate. I have a bunch of different places I could use some vinyl. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Oh, and my idea for a quote (one of my faves):
There is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one.
Monogram! Monogram! Monogram!
It SPEAKS to me!
Blessings to you,
lana @ ilovemy5kids
Oh, I would love any of these! I think the gift certificate the most though. Thanks:)
I would love the gift certificat or the laundry room sign! Either one would thrill me!!
Count me in for sure. You know I love monograms since I copied yours in the frame. I think I would choose the gift certificate if I won. Thanks!!!
I just found your super cute blog and not only do I get to look around here, I get to enter this giveaway. Fun. I would choose the certificate, but love the others too!
And for an extra entry, I suggest that they offer "Buen Provecho", which is like "bon appetit" in Spanish.
I have soooooooooo many blank walls that need some decor. It would be great to win.
LOVE the laundry one, redoing my laundry room now and it would be great. I am the envy of all my friends as my laundry room is 350 square feet ;) so with all that room definitely need something great for the wall! Thanks for the great blog!
Oh I would love a gift certificate. I want something to put above the fireplace.
Thanks so much.
I'd be happy to get any! But think I'd prefer the gift certificate!
I love both the laundry room sign (we are about to redo ours) and the gift certificate idea. I have tons of places that could use these great designs!
I'd choose the gift certificate!
I would love to win anything of course. But if I had to choose it would be the gift certificate.
I live in an apartment without access to my own laundry, but I think the idea is adorable.
Ohhh, I'd love the laundry room one!
- Danielle
The laundry sign is so adorable. I would love to put that in my laundry room. Thank you.
Count me in..... love the monogram.
I would love the laundry sign, as we as a gift certificate--so cute
JUST FOUND YOUR SITE, I love it. I'll have to come back... especially if I win!
Love the monogram. The gift certificate would be great too! What a fun giveaway!
I am SO excited for this giveaway. I love wall decals so much. I just found out I'm pregnant finally and the gift certificate would be wonderful to add something cute to the little one's room. Please pick me!
And for a second entry here is the quote I would love to see...
"A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities."
-- Eda J. Le Shan
Beautiful right!
These are just beautiful!
SOOO cute! I would love a monogram!
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