I love the feeling of being home! I truly enjoy being surrounded by the people I love and the things that make me happy. I am passionate about finding joy in my home---which for me has a double meaning. My home is where I find comfort and discover who I am by using my talents and abilities.
I'm an avid thrift store shopper and collector. I love to create, re-purpose, design, re-invent and build all sorts of things.
I am passionate about helping others find the joy in their homes that I do in mine. And I believe that it doesn't take a lot of cash to do it.
"The more you trust and rely upon the Spirit, the greater your capacity to create." ---Dieter F. Uchtdorf
You're welcome to copy my ideas.
If one of my ideas has inspired you, I'd love for you to leave me a note so I can enjoy seeing your project.
But please don't copy my photos without first asking my permission.
I recently had the opportunity to help a sweet woman redesign the look of her living room. When we first met we discussed her concerns and desires. One concern was the room arrangement. I told her that I had some ideas and that it would be best if we measured everything first and then I would get back to her. We carefully measuredthe room as well as each of the larger pieces of furniture. At home I took out my trusty graph paper and measured one square for each six inches of furniture and room footage. After cutting out the diagrams of the major pieces of furniture I began to arrange the room. It was fun---like playing house! It was much more fun moving items on paper than it would have been to move large furniture pieces in a small room.There are several computer sites that offer room arranging programs too but I find it very rewarding doing it the old fashion way. I came up with four different room designs. When we met again she picked the design she liked best and we were able to quickly move the furniture into an arrangement she had never tried in the several years she had lived there. She was thrilled with the new look and I was happy that I had let my fingers do the pushing instead of my back.
***Don't forget to enter for the Belvedere Design giveaway on the previous post.
What a great idea! Gosh, I wish I knew that when we first moved into our home. Our living room is impossible! We moved around TWO heavy couches, one recliner, two end tables, and one piano at least a dozen times. Next time, we'll be smarter thanks to you!
Good Job! I often use the room designer at the Better Homes & Garden site - same idea as yours just an online version and what a time saver from moving pieces around and around!
Thank you for explaining how you did this! I've seen designers do this kind of thing. I've seen expensive templates. But you showed us how WE could do it! You're so awesome.
We did this before we moved into our new home. I was able to tell the movers exactly where every piece of furniture was to go. They were VERY thankful.
Very creative...I may have to do that!
sandy toe
What a great idea! Gosh, I wish I knew that when we first moved into our home. Our living room is impossible! We moved around TWO heavy couches, one recliner, two end tables, and one piano at least a dozen times. Next time, we'll be smarter thanks to you!
Good Job! I often use the room designer at the Better Homes & Garden site - same idea as yours just an online version and what a time saver from moving pieces around and around!
Thank you for explaining how you did this! I've seen designers do this kind of thing. I've seen expensive templates. But you showed us how WE could do it! You're so awesome.
How clever of you! Did she hire you to do this, or were you just helping out a friend? Seems it would be a great business for you to start.
My LR is about 25x25 with many large pieces of furniture. This is the only way to go. Now I need to find some graph paper....
Okay first off let me say how sorry I am for not commenting in well..... forever!!! I promise to do better!!
I love this idea and would love to move around my living room but the thought of moving our huge TV hutch is just too much. So this is perfect!
Have a fabulous week!
Haha! My roomate and I just did the same thing yesterday! I was ready to move the furniture, but she graphed everything out. Such a genius idea!
That is so cool, I am so going to do this! Great idea.
We did this before we moved into our new home. I was able to tell the movers exactly where every piece of furniture was to go. They were VERY thankful.
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