I've been adding a few finishing details to my office closet. One very important detail are the labels. I adore labels for organizing. With labels I never have to hear the words, "Moooooommmmm, where's the _____?!?" or "Honey, where do I put this?"
Labels don't have to be office supply ordinary. It's always an enjoyable touch to turn the practical into the pretty. It gives you even more reason to smile when opening an organized closet.
Interestingly enough, my husband and I had a discussion about labels a few days ago while out on our morning walk. We didn't discuss the labels that help keep us organized, but rather the labels we tend to give ourselves. We all do it. Unfortunately, personal labels aren't always as wonderful as organizational labels, although both can serve as a means to contain. Have you noticed that often the labels we give ourselves are not positive and character building? In fact it's the negative labels that truly do keep us contained and boxed up. Personal negative labels keep us from growing and experiencing all the good that life has to offer. Negative labels can also keep us from giving the best of ourselves to others.
I realize this daily in my own life and I'm trying to break out of my boxes with negative labels. It's definitely not an easy thing, especially when the labels have been there for years. But I know that if I am to become the person I am meant to be, I have to remove the stifling negative labels and replace them with encouraging positive labels.
Spring time is a time of change and renewal in nature. It's also a excellent time to make changes in ourselves. Will you join me and think of a few positive labels to describe yourself and then daily work toward those attributes?
The incredible thing about giving positive labels to ourselves is that it can become contagious and before you know it, you'll find yourself giving those around you positive labels too.
Why don't we all start
a positive label epidemic!
Great way to label in style!!
This reminds me of a sign I saw the other day "Count your blessings, not your problems"
Love your blog!
Funky Junk Sister #2
Great post...
I love the reminders within your posts.
My daughter came home from school with a quote she saw there...
"You're never a LOSER until you quit trying"...Mike Ditka
I love it!
A great reminder that "Words Are Powerful"
What a great post. I am terrible for bad labeling me. Not others, but me....my husband is ever so kind to remind me, that I am the best me I can be with what I have...
I love this post , it is so true. The Bible says in Philippians 4:8 Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely , whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworty-think about such things.
We have to guard our hearts and minds and stay away from all the junk the world wants us to think about ourselves.
I love your blog and all your cool ideas. Thanks for the inspiration.
I love your blog and especially this post on labels...I label everything. It's so easy for the family to find everything if they know just where to go. I have a few pictures on my blog under organization.
Have a great night,
Oh Joy, what a great visual reminder to all of us about "labels". Thank you!
I love love love the positive labels. I spend so much time wishing I was five pounds lighter, yet my friends don't even seem to notice a change either way. I'm too hard on myself!!
This is a really great post...
Thanks for the inspiration!
What a great idea! I totally give myself bad labels...what a horrible example for our children. You've inspired me to only label myself in good ways! Thanks! And I just may print them out and make them pretty like you did!
♥ Jen
A great post for so many reasons. Thanks for the inspiration and wisdom.
I loved your use of pictures to get your point across! This is such a good thing for all of us to work on. The world beats us down enough as women without us helping them. I'm the most guilty of labeling myself poorly. I'll try to do better and spread your epidemic! Thanks. Cindy
P.S. I now have a public sewing blog if you ever want to stop over.
So true... I really do like your "physical" labels you made, though...
Very cute!!
love the labels! I need to really reread this post several times so I can FINALLY let go of the negative labeling I do on myself. thanks!
This post struck me to the very core. How right you are that we ourselves are the biggest barrier to living out our hopes and dreams.
Great insight and food for thought. Well done!
I just wanted to send a little comment letting you know I am inspired by this post! Thanks for sharing!
I really like this post...I've been thinking about another blog I read where the author was upset because she said so many blogs seem to be written by supermoms. I didn't agree...but didn't have the words. We're not trying to be superior, we're just trying to focus on the positive, celebrating our triumphs... because we know we all have some negatives. Thanks for the label imagery...it was powerful.
you always have something wonderful to say. thanks for being willing to share!
Thanks for lightening my heart today! Your post was inspirational and so very true.
JOy- I cannot believe this!! WE ARE NEIGHBORS!!! I was walking my dogs this morning with my daughter & walked passed your house- one block from mine- I stopped & stared & said to my daughter... oh my gosh- that's joys of home! she was like- what? I said- that's joys of home! that's her house, I saw it last week on her post about her front yard- so
hello neighbor! I will definately be over with cookies- but not today- soon maybe this week, I'm going to women's conference, so maybe next week-
I am such a fan & you were right there all this time- amazing
I hope you are not freaked out & going private now ;)
Appreciative! Thank you!
Love Love Love your blog! Thanks for being uplifting and inspirational! The labels post is oh so true. Spring cleaning time for me too...thanks for the reminder that it doesn't just have to be about getting rid of tired clothing and dust bunnies!
have you thought about being a counselor? You save me tons of money and inspire me at the same time. And the last counselor I saw didn't have nearly as cool spaces as you :)
Thanks for the lessons and the inspiration...you make my day (or night as I am sitting up with insomnia, no doubt stressing over a mistake I made that I can't let go....)
I just found your blog -- and have spent a couple of hours this evening reading some of your posts. I have really enjoyed it. This label one sums up so many thoughts. BTW, the boxes used for organization in this closet -- where did you get them?
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